Underswap! Papyrus X Reader

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Y/n pov

Monsters had came to the surface you didnt mind to be honest since you have heard they were nice. You went to the New cafe muffets they sold pastries and alcoholic drinks. You walked in got a donut and a coffee. "thank you very much." a skeleton came up to you with a bottle of honey. "can i sit here?." you nodded. You started a Whole convosation and a couple months later you moved in with him and his brother not gonna lie you had a crush on the lazy skeleton but how cant you have a crush on him hes soo cute. "y/n?" he waved his hand in front of youre face. "oh im sorry Just zoned out a bit.." you blushed a little. "thats fine." you saw he was smoking in the house. "you shouldnt smoke in house blueberry told you not to rememeber?" he nodded. "yeah but hes not he-" "IM HOME! PAPYRUS WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT SMOKING IN THE HOUSE!" you looked at paps. "hes herr now right?" papyrus sighed and went outside you followed him since you didnt want him to be loneley. "Why did you follow me?" "i dont want you to be boneley." "heh nice pun kid." he smiled at you. "paps i need to tell you something..." "whats it kiddo?" "I-i.." you grabbed his cigarette out of his mouth. "what are you doi-" you grabbed his sweater and pulled him closer to you and you pressed youre lips against his teeth. He was shocked at first but he kissed back mean While you dropped his cigarette on accident. you pulled away. "i love you.." "i love you to y/n.." "im sorry for dropping youre cigarette btw.." "thats fine." he kissed youre forehead and walked back in the house While holding youre hand. "CUTE SO YOU GUYS ARE FINALY A COUPLE NOW!?" you blushed and nodded. "MWEHEHEH I WILL MAKE TACOS!" you giggled at his cuteness.

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