Inktale! Sans X Abused! Artistic! Toddler! Reader

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Requested by: foxyfan27

Y/n pov

You woke up in someones arms you didnt regonize the person youre view was blurry and youre head was aching. You started crying. "shh its okay they wont Hurt you any longer...* you felt an hand going through youre hair in some weird way this calmed you. You fell asleep again. After a while you woke up in an colorful house it was cheerfull and it kinda made you happy you didnt know where or with Who you were but you had a feeling you were safe. You walked downstaires to check if anyone was home. You saw a skeleton painting a beautiful drawing he had his tongue stuck out while he was working on the small details of the painting that looked like a dog. "h-hey.." he looked at you. "oh hey youre awake i didnt notice you." he was short but still taller then you he had a brown scarf and the rest of his clothing was for most part Brown he had a belt with paint bottles and a blue jacket wrapped around his waist he had verry intresting eyes and a Black pain stain on his cheek. "Who are you.." "im Ink!" the name suited him. "why am i here..." you looked around. "i couldnt stand what youre parents where doing to you so i saved you from them.." "my name is y/n..." a few months passed and he was actually a really nice guy he made lots of drawings and you guys talked about so much stuff you started calling him dad. The first time you called him dad his eyes turned into starst and he had a bright smile. You was watching him draw. "do you want to draw something?" he smiles at you and you nodded he gave you a box of crayons and a sketchbook. You started to make a drawing of Ink he looked closely but you blocked the paper from him. "its a surprise Daddy!" he chuckled. "okay sweetie." he continued his own painting. You continued aswell. "im drawing the person i love the most!" you smiled brightly. "and Who is that?" "its a surprise!" you drew youreself next to him holding his hand you held the drawing before youre self with youre arms stretched out smiling. "done!" you showed the drawing to Ink. "what do you think daddy!" he looked at it. "its beautiful! You drew me and you do you love youreself the most?" he winked at you and poked youre Belly and you giggled. "nah uh! Its you silly i love you the most!" you smiled brightly at him. He hugged you. "i love you to sweetie." you and Ink Hung up the drawing. 10 years later you were still living with him. You were drawing you became an good artist Ink was a good teacher aswel. You heard an yell out side when you looked outside you saw Ink fighting with something that must be Error! Ink told you a lot about him and how much he hated him. "DAD!" "stay inside y/n!" you clearly saw he was in danger you grabbed a sword that you and Ink drew as decoration for the house. You ran outside Error grabbed youre soul with strings laughing like a maniac. "Y/N!" you smiled at Ink to tell him you would be fine this was youre way of paying him back for everything he did for you. You cut the strings with youre sword but you knew you couldnt win this fight youre soul was breaking by all the strings Error threw at you Ink tried to fight but he couldnt he was in a shock he was frozen. Error made use of this to attack Ink you saw this happening and Blocked him from reaching him. Error was gone you were Hurt a lot. Ink healed you. "what where you thinking!" you looked at Ink. "i couldnt Just stand there and do nothing..." "you could have died!" he started crying. "im sorry dad..." "its okay... Im just happy youre alive...." he gave you a kiss on the forehead. "i love you..." "i love you to sweetie.."

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