Underswap! Papyrus X Heartbroken! Reader

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A/n: I know I allready made an underswap papyrus x heartbroken reader but ya know deal with it cuz it's a different plot

Y/N pov

You sat in youre room you're ex cheated on you you felt misserable you're bestfriend blueberry or blue for short tried cheering you up but it didn't work as much as you wanted. You felt broken blue knew if he left you here you wouldnt eat or do anything so he took you with him to take care of you and keep an close eye on you to make sure you were okay he cared about you so he would be happy to help. "y/n you really need to cheer up!" you sighed. "he wasn't worth you're time!" you didn't want to listen so sans decided to cook. "he really cares about you Y/N." papyrus said as he lit up his ciggarete. You looked at him this was the first time papyrus actually talked to you he wasn't really fond of you l since he didn't like humans that much and he also didn't like the idea you and his brother were so close since he was betrayed by humans. "I know.." he looked at you. "it's breaking his heart that he isn't able to cheer you up." you looked back at papyrus his huge orange sweater had a few burn holes from ciggaretes and it looked like he chewed a lot on his hoodie strings it was an old sweater his shorts were a light brown and he was wearing sneakers. "take a picture it last longer." you realized you were staring a bit to long and you blushed slightly. "oh sorry.." he fineshed his ciggarete. "just know if you hurt my brother in anyway I will end you." with these words he walked upstairs. You mubled something. "I wish you would...." he didn't hear you since he was on his room. Blue came back with a smile and with some tacos. "look I made Tacos!" he handed them to you. You knew his food wasn't the best but you ate it anyway you didn't eat much but blue was happy you ate a bit. "if you want you can sleep in the spare room?" you nodded and went to the room. You made you're bed and layed down you sighed. The next day you woke up and went downstairs. Later papyrus went downstairs it surprised you since he never was up so early. Blue was still asleep. You didn't know if you had to run. You heard papyrus on the stairs there wasn't really an escape. He went in the kitchen. "what are you doing here?" "I woke up.." he really didn't trust you and it kinda hurt. He went to the couch he was smoking a ciggarete while watching TV. You was left in the kitchen. "why am I even here...." tears rolled down you're cheek when you decided to just sit down on the floor and Cry quietly hoping you didn't get noticed. You felt worthless and miserable. After a while you went upstairs to the spare room again and decided to stay for the rest of the day. Blue tried to get you out but you didn't want to. You just wanted to die and dissappear at this moment you felt so weak. The next day you got out of your room and sat on the couch watching TV papyrus sat down next to you you didn't exchange any words you were scared. Thoughts were racing through youre mind tears rolled over you're cheeks without noticing it. Papyrus looked at you. "are you okay?" you noticed you were crying now and you wanted to walk away when you stood up papyrus grabbed your wrist and tugged you in a warm hug. You started sobbing in his chest. He seemed to warm up to you. "what's wrong Y/N." "you hate me...." he sighed. "I don't hate you I just don't want anything to happen to my brother I shouldn't have bin so mean to you I'm sorry..." "i-its okay.." his hoodie was soft for some reason you just wanted it you crawled on his lap and you put you're head in his hoodie this made him blush when you realized what you were doing you got out inmediatly blushing like a motherfucker. "s-sorry.." "If you wanted to wear my hoodie that badly you should have just asked." he removed his hoodie and he was left in a black tank top he dropped his large hoodie on you're head it was to big for you but it was comforting. You blushed. "thank you..." he hugged you after a month he became you're boyfriend and you realized you really didnt need you're ex he made you happier.

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