Underfell! Sans X Male! Sarcastic! Reader

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Y/n pov

You fell in the underground and ended up living with two edgy monsters you rolled you'lr eyes at papyrus causing him to growl you knew you shouldn't mess with them but you didn't care. "did you allready clean the house?!" you sighed "yes off course I'm gonna clean up the mess two monsters make because I have nothing better to do." he stood in front of you "you live here you have to do something!" "not like I'm working my ass off to pay rent here." you rolled your eyes and just started cleaning you didn't want want to go somewhere else you couldn't. "what was that?!" "nothing papyrus." you sighed. He walked upstairs and you could hear him yelling to fell. Thats the thing he is the best at yelling.. You sighed and fineshed cleaning their mess you checked youre watch and you saw it was time to go to work you were exhausted from cleaning but you had to pay youre rent someway. You didn't bother to tell them you where leaving you grabbed you're coat and made you're way to grillby. "you're late." he looked at you. "yeah those 5 minutes make such a big difference." you rolled youre eyes and you started working when you were done grillby gave you the money from the past month. "you're fired by the way." youre eyes widen. "what! Why?" "being rude to me and Being late now leave." you sighed put on you're coat and left kicking against a snowpuff you walked home and gave papyrus youre money. "here that's enough money for another month then I will move out." you walked upstairs papyrus looked confused and wanted to say something but you allready went in you're room. Sans came in. "hey I heard you're moving out." "so what?.." he looked at you. "have you been crying...." he looked worried. "no.... Maybe....." he pulled you into a hug your eyes widen. "I can't pay rent anymore..." "why...?" "I got fired for being 5 minutes late.." he sighed. "I'm sorry...i will help you find somewhere to live okay.." "I don't want to live somewhere else I want to stay here......i don't like being alone and papyrus allready feels like family and I love you...." his eyesockets widen. "you love me...?" you nodded with tears in your eyes. You felt his teeth press against your lips "I love you to.." you smiled at him. "I'm gonna make sure you can stay okay.. Even if that means I have to pay for you.." "you can't even pay your tab how can you pay my rent?" you chuckled. "my tab isn't that big!" "oh? I saw it did you forget I worked at grillbys you owe him 34298 g goodluck paying that." "jeez I didn't know it was that much!" he laughed. "y/'n.. You can stay here for free." you looked at papyrus in the doorway. "really?!" "yeah my lazy excuse of a brother clearly cares for you if he's willing to work for you're rent." "thank you!" you smiled at papyrus and hugged him tight. He hugged back and looked away blushing. "it's okay... Brother...." "you heard that part!" he nodded. You smiled and sans joined the hug. "thank you..." "it's okay y/n."

undertale sans x reader oneshots (english)Where stories live. Discover now