Underfell! Papyrus X Tough! Tease! Reader

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Y/n pov

You fell down on the flower bed escaped a crazy goat lady and met a short skeleton named sans. "so youre brother is a human hunting fanatic hm?" sans nodded. "yeah oh actually there he is." he pointed at a tall skeleton That was busy with setting up traps. "hey bos i found a human!" "yeah right youre lazy ass wont catch a HUMAN!?" he looked at you with wide eye sockets. "hello." you Waved at him. "hm well im gonna capture you and take youre soul!" you nodded at him. "i would like to see you try." you Said casualy. "YOU HAVE SOME NERVE HUH?!" "sans i thought i was gonna meet youre brother this looks more like youre sister." you pointed at his boots. "oh fuck.." "NOW YOURE GONNA GET IT ASS HOLE!" he Summoned sharp red bones That he fired at you. You dodged and you wasnt planning on really attacking him. "AH A CHALLENGE I LIKE THAT!" he fired more bones at you That you dodged again this kept going for a While until you decided it was enough. You stood behind him pressing youre foot in the back of his knee causing him to fall over and you sat on his back. "i thought you were gonna fight me~" he was blushing and sans was looking at you with wide eyesocket and his jaw dropped he have never seen this before. "GET OFF ME!" "hmm no~" "IF YOU ARE GONNA KILL ME THEN JUST DO IT!" you shook youre head. "nah man im not the type That likes to kill poeple so im gonna have mercy on you." "IM NOT ACCEPTING MERCY!" "then i Will be sitting here for a While~" he growled. "FINE I ACCEPT YOURE STUPID MERCY!" you got of him. "you better didnt lie." "grr im gonna kill you!" "then the same Will happen babe~" he blushed. A month later you lived with the skelebros togeheter you L O V E D to tease papyrus he was also really easy to tease. You were both sitting on the couch having a Good time. He wasnt wearing his battle armor he was wearing a dark Grey shirt rn and Black shorts. You put youre hand underneath his shirt tickling his rib he blushed but what you didnt expect to happen was hearing him moan. You blushed. "That was quite a rib tickler hm?~" "STOP THE PUNS!" he said blushing. "oh is it doing something to youre bonezone~?" this made him blush even more his Whole face was red now like a cherry. "i thought youre bros nickname was red but it suits you better~" "oh fuck you!" "you dont need to be so desperate~ but sure~" his blushing increased. Sans stood in the door clearing his non-exsistent throat. "this is the living room guys!" this made you blush a deep red. "red also suits you~" papyrus tried to tease you but youre teasing was more efective. Youre blush faded away. "no paps Just no." papyrus walked to the kitchen to make spaghetti. "y/n youre an Amazing person ya know first you tell paps That hes a woman then you fight him then you win from him he accepted youre mercy WHAT I BY THE WAY NEVER HAVE SEEN HIM DO! and you befriended him and now youre making him blush!" "ahw thanks sansy~" sans blushed. "AND YOURE MAKING ME BLUSH!" sans Said as he covered his self in his hoodie. "You guys are so easy to tease~" he opened his mouth to argue but papyrus yelled dinner was ready so we ate his spaghetti That tasted better since i Learned him a New recipe. "well done papy~" you gave him a Kiss on the cheek and be blushed. "you guys are so cute Ya know." sans Said. This made you blush. "ahw y/n is blushing~" "oh shut up sans!" you had to admit you had a crush on papyrus. "i bet you guys are in love~" me and papyrus both blushed a deep red now. "SO WHAT IF I LOVE HIM! He doesnt feel the same anyways..." you Said the last part more quiet and you ran up staires you shut the door dropped youre self to the floor and cried with youre head between youre knees. After a While you heard a knock you didnt respond and you heard another knock. "y/n?..." you saw a blushing papyrus in the door. "im sorry paps.." you were the only one that didnt have to call him boss since you won from him. "its okay i already yelled at sans but thats not important now.. Y/n i love you to and i hope you could be my Girlfriend?.." you nodded and kissed him on his teeth he gladly kissed back. "so are we a lesbian couple now?" you smirked at him. "NO WERE NOT A LESBIAN COUPLE Y/N!" you heard lauging from sans down staires he must have heard paps. "jeez do you hate gay peeps or something?" "no! Ofcourse not That would be even to cruel for me since SANS IS GAY!" sans stormed in. "NO IM NOT!" you and papyrus both laughed. "but no i dont hate gay couples or gay peeps at all." you Smiled at him and kissed him again. "i love you." "i love you to papy~"

A/n: maybe a bit crappy or all over the place but i really enjoyed making it :p

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