reaper! sans x alone! reader

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Y/N pov

you sat in waterfalls everyone you knew died.... everyone you loved...cared about...they were gone you were allone... you liked waterfalls it was made you realie that being alone...maybe wasnt that bad afterall.. you had absorbed asgores soul incase you ever wanted to leave but you knew you didnt humanity was messed up but maybe one day you wanted to go back incase you wanted to you could.. you let out a sigh and then heard a noise behind you. you turned arround and saw a skeleton with a dark cloak and a scythe he looked a lot like...sans... you smiled at him. "hey." your voice was dry and hurted you didnt talk much you had no one to talk to so why talk? "hello kid." he sat next to you and after a while oof staring infront of you looking at the trash going down water falls. "so what are you doing here." it felt strange it felt like you knew him. "checking on have been allone fo a while." you looked at him. "where you watching me...?" he nodded. "my name is Reaper i watch everyone and everything." you werent afraid that suprised him. he was used to poeple beiing afraid of him. "my name is Y/N." you guys taked a bit more till he had to go you didnt think he would come back you went to sleep and the next day you went to waterfalls again you grabbed you bag grabbing you sketchbook you needed new pencils and a sketchbook since it was allmost full but you didnt really care you just wouldnt be able to draw again. then Reaper appeared. "hey kid." he smiled and you continued drawing talking to him he was watching you draw. "wow..thats amazing.." you smiled. "thank you.." this kept on going for a couple days you were drawing and he was watching and talking to you it was nice to be talking to someone after multiple months of being alone. you went to waterfalls again you looked at Reaper. "not gonna draw today?" you smiled. "my pencils are broken and my sketchbook is full.." Reaper smiles. "wanna look in the garbage dump to check for pencils sketchbooks?" "sure but finding a sketchbook that isnt full or drenched in water is pretty rare." Reaper took you to the dump and you two found mutiple pencils and other suplies you were still looking fo a sketchbook but they were all wet and or used. "hey look what i found!" Reaper grabbed a sketchbook still in the wrapper and brand new. "wow! thats awesome." you took some used sketchbooks to thats how you allways learnt from other poeples sketchbooks today was a good day you found some really good pencils and you even found a new bag to keep everything in and secure you guys went to waterfall agaiin and you started drawing Reaper. "that looks so good Y/N!" you two became really close sometimes you would catch Reape blush o looking though the garbage to find new supplies for you he loved your art and allways wanted to see you improve he even made a new sketchbooks from unused papers from old sketchbooks. "ahw thank you!!" you kissed his cheek to catch him blushing you giggles and started drawing a scene in waterfalls with you and Reaper talking to echoflowers. you must admit you caught yourself drawing him a lot sometimes even you and him kissing you started to fall for him. he grabbed one of your sketchbooks looking through it you didnt mind it at first but then you realized that one of the drawings in there was you and him kissing you grabbed it away but by the look on his face you knew he saw it he was blushing so much you started blushing to. "R-reaper im sorry.." he looked at you blushing. "Y/N....i didnt know you felt that way.." you were so afraid of losing him the only friend you had in months... you didnt want to lose him you felt so stupid for making thse drawing you shouldnt have made were gonna lose him....because of a drawing you were crying. he disturbed your thoought by kissing you. "Y/ so happy i found out....i love you..." you blushed and he dries you tears off. "i love you to.." he smiled and hugged you tight. "im so happy..." you smiled. "me to Reaper." he was so happy and so were you. you showed him all the drawing you made sometimes he drew someting to but he allways said he felt guilty for ruining you sketchbook papers. "dont worry Reaper i love seeing you draw..." 2 years later you two lived toghether in the underground a few kids have fallen in the mean time and you two adopted them as your own you managed to break the barrier fom all the other humans oul everyone was free to leave when ever they wanted you and Reaper had adopted 3 kids. a girl named Jane she loved to play the guitar she had short hair dyed purple and blue she was 13 years old and had fallen down to commit suicide cuz no one supported her dreams but she finally found someone who did then a little boy named Josh he was 10 years old and loved to create art he had short dark brown hair and had fallen down because he wanted to draw the view on top of the mountain and decided to stay here cuz his parents couldnt take good care of him so they agreed to let him stay with you and Reaperr then there was this nonbinary 7 year old kid named Sky they were allways really exited to explore and thats how they ended up here they also didnt have any parents and the ones that took care of them agreed on you adopting them they loved to explore the underground and they allways had new things to explore they loved to go to the garbae dump to find new stuff taking art supplies for you and Josh. 
you ended up marying Reaper and you had a good life after so much sufering you were finally happy. 

a/n: so this is such a long chapter i know Reaper is out of character but i really needed to write a story with him so hope you enjoy

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