Underswap! Sans X Depressed! Reader

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Y/n pov

"y/n are you gonna put the pizza's in the oven?" you nodded and walked to the kitchen. You grabbed the pizza and tried to put it in the oven but it fell on the glass door because you becasue you burned Your self. "fuck!" you ran to the sink and let water ran down on youre hand. "y/n?!" papyrus ran to you. "what happend?!" "I-i burned my self and dropped the pizza.." you walked to the pizza and tried to get it back up but it fell on the floor. "fuck.." the pizza wasnt edible anymore. "shit That was the last pizza.." you ran upstaires and coverd youre self under the blankets. You hated youreself you wasted the last pizza and probably paps and sans hate you for it. It was sans favorite. You cried into youre pillow. You had felt sad for years like a never ending sadness you wanted to end it but you didnt want to hurt papyrus and sans.. You heard a knock on youre door. "y/n?" it was sans he never actualy Said youre name unless he was worried or serious. "Y-yeah..." you had a Shaky voice. He came in. "y/n Why are you crying?.." he said quitly. "its nothing im fine...." "y/n i know youre not you allmost cry every night i dont want you to be sad!" you cried harder and loud sobs were coming from you. "S-sorry... I wasted youre favorite pizza.." "thats okay human i the magnifecent sans Will make some delicious tacos!" you Smiled at him but was Still crying. "but y/n Why were you crying those other nights?..." Why was he Still asking you didnt wanna ruin his innocent soul you wanted him happy. You shook youre head. "its nothing important..." he shook his head Quickly. "if youre crying its important to me!" you cried and hé wiped some tears away. It was important to him it really was. "sans.. The truth is.... I have allways bin sad i havent feel happines in a long time and some nights i cant take it anymore and i cry...." he hugged you tight. "so youre depressed..?" youre eyes widend when he said That how did he know That word? "h-how do you know..?" he cried some glowing blue tears. "i regonzize it from my brother he told me about it and he feels a lot better now he had told me! So i hope you Will also feel better i know you Will feel better i know it maybe not now or tommorow maybe not next week but you Will i the magnifecent sans Will help you!" you Smiled at his cuteness and hugged him tight. "thank you i indeed feel a lot better now i talked about it.." he smiled. "Come you can help me make tacos!" you giggled at his cuteness and nodded. "okay." you kissed the short skeleton on his Forehead and you and him walked to the kitchen and started making tacos. "THESE ARE DELICIOUS Y/N!" you smiled and giggled. "yes they are." papyrus was eating in silence and he petted you over youre head when he grabbed youre empty plate. "i Will do the dishes." he said and you and blue were watching tv. You fell asleep on his shoulder. "i love you blue..." "i love you to y/n" you fell into a deep slumber.

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