Swapfell! Sans X Reader

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Y/n pov

You lived with the skelebros for 3 years now. You gained a huge crush on sans and you wanted to tell him but you were to scared to tell him and you were Just his pet. You slept in a Cage you were his personal slave you had to do everything he wanted you to do and he had a collar and leash for you. If you didnt listen to him he would Hurt you and he would call you weak pathetic or something like that it hurted you sometimes but despite that you loved him. You didnt really get a good sleep last night since sans rook away youre blanket for disobeying him. You woke up as he opend youre Cage. "wake up pet." you nodded as he walked out so you could dress up. He waited for you on the hallway as you walked out of youre room. "we have a visitor so behave." "yes my lord..." you walked downstaires with sans. "hey red this is y/n y/n this is red" (underfell sans) "Hello.." "do you want something to drink red?" "mustard please." "one mustard and one coke please." you nodded and walked to the kitchen you brought them their drinks and you started cleaning the kitchen after. "pet bring us some food!" "okay my lord..." you made some food ready and you walked back to the couch to seem them making out you felt youre heart break and you dropped the plates you ran upstaires to youre room and you locked the door you knew you werent allowed to lock the door and you probably should have cleaned that up but you couldnt. He was gonna be so mad at you but you didnt mind it didnt matter to you. You cried and youre sobs could be heard through the room breaking the silence. You started throwing things out frustration he didnt knew you loved him but it really hurted to see someone you love making out with someone else. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!" you knew if you didnt do it he would Hurt you more then he allready would so you opend the door. "what the fuck! you arent allowed to- wait were you crying?..." "N-no Im sorry..." "Were you crying!?" you nodded. "W-Why?..."  "its nothing i Will clean up..." you wanted to walk down stairs but he grabbed youre wrist. "red allready cleaned up he saw you were sad but Why?" "I-i love you... But when I saw you and red kissing.... It hurted...so much...." "I love you to...." "W-what?..." "I thought if I treated you like a piece of crap and made out with red I would get over you but it didnt work...sorry..." you kissed him and he kisses back. "I love you so much.." you smiled at him and kisses his fore skull "I love you to.."

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