Underswap! Papyrus X Artist! Reader

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Y/n pov

You were in the skelebros house sans was training at alphys and papyrus sat on the couch next to you Just watching tv. Papyrus lit a ciggarete. "Paps you should stop smoking.." papyrus was not in the best mood today but you didnt know that. "i dont care." "Papyrus..." "what?" "its bad for you...." "why would you care." "because i do..." "well i dont care so shut Up.." you sighed and walked Up to youre room. You layed down on youre bed and started drawing. You allways drew the way you felt. You loved papyrus so you wanted him to stop smoking but why did he get so mad? It hurted so much. You started drawing papyrus with a ciggarete between his teeth and you drew youreself with a cracked soul and a sad look. You didnt notice youreself this. You drew another picture you wrote a 2 in the corner of the paper and you drew papyrus word another ciggarete and you with more cracks in youre soul this kept going till 6. You noticed what you were doing and you threw them in the trash. You heard a knock on the door. "Come in.." "im gonna take the trash outside so uhm im Just gonna grab youre trash real Quick."  "okay.."

Papyrus! Pov

I took out y/n's trash and saw Some paper on top of it why would ahw throw Some drawings away? I decided to take a look at them eben i saw them i was shocked. I threw the trash away and run Up staires to y/n's room. "Y/n show me youre soul." "n-no.." i grabbed her soul with orange magic showing a cracked soul that could break by the smallest touch. "f-fuck im so sorry..."

Y/n pov

"f-fuck im so sorry..." you started sobbing. "p-papyrus...." "i-i didnt know.. I-i Will try to stop smoking.... F-for you..." "thank you..." he hugged you tight and kissed you. "i-i love you..." "i love you way more papyrus.." you kissed him again. Sans was really happy papyrus stopped smoking and so did you he was a bit moody in the beggining but it is allright now he loved you and you loved him.

A/n: there is gonna be a part 2

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