Underfell! Papyrus X Badass! Demon Reader

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Requested by: kittylover0790
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Y/n pov

You lived with the skelebros a long time. You were best friends with both of them. Demons arent capable of feeling emotions. "fuck off sans im done with youre jokes!" sans has made a pun again and papyrus was yelling and later sans went to his room. You sat on the couch watching a comedy with papyrus. Papyrus laughed at the tv. But you didnt understand you hated the fact you couldnt feel emotions. "papyrus?..." "yes y/n?" "can you maybe explain the way you feel.... I cant understand i dont understand emotions...i want to feel emotions..." papyrus turned off the tv. "well maybe i cant explain but.." "what?.." "i uhm...never mind..." you sighed. "okay.." "lets go outside to check on some traps." "Sure." you walked outside with papyrus till he encountered a human. He started a fight with the human the human Hurted papyrus. You felt a burning feeling outside you felt presure building in youre eyes the presure released and tears streamed down youre cheeks with in a second you stood infront of papyrus protecting him for the hit That would have killed him. The burning feeling inside released youre fist moved with a inhuman speed to the humans face hitting the human in the face. The knife they were holding fell on the ground before they could try to grab it you had it you killed the Human. Papyrus looked shocked. You realized what you have done and dropped the knife. You saw papyrus you saw That he was okay. You ran to him and hugged him tight you felt tears stream down youre face again warming up youre cheeks That were so Cold once you felt another feeling growing inside of you didnt know what it was. Papyrus hugged you back and wiped away youre tears. "i-i..." papyrus looked at you. "thank you." "paps... What was That..." "That was prove demons do have feelings." you were shocked you felt another feeling grow. "w-what were those emotions?" "well i would say Anger and saddness.." "but i am feeling two other things.." you were still holding papyrus tight you could feel his Hot breath in youre neck it was calming. "describe them." "it makes my lips do something weird... It feels good its satisfying.." he chuckled. "Thats called smiling youre happy happiness is a good emotion." "and That other feeling.... Its weird please dont think im weird..." "i wont i promise." "i want to be with you constantly... I want to feel youre arms around me... Its calming... I like the way you hold me..." he started blushing. "did i say something wrong?..... Youre face is turning red..." "no no no... Thats love....you love me..." "oh is That good?.." "yes it is its good to know you feel the same way.." he kissed you. You didnt know what to do but you kissed back it felt nice it made you feel safe. "WHOOOOO!" you heard sans cheering. You felt youre cheeks heating up. "this is called embaresement youre blushing." he kissed youre cheek. "i love you y/n." "i love you to papyrus." you could finally say it and mean it it made you happy you learned controlling youre emotions quickly. You never wanted to leave papyrus ever again he Changed you and you Changed him. He was more patient with sans and he seemed happier.

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