Undertale! Skelebros X Reader

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Y/n pov

You sat on the couch until you heard Quiet sobbing coming from sans his room. You walked to the kitchen to papyrus. "hey paps i think sans is crying maybe we should go up to i dont know make him Smile again?.." "OFCOURSE HUMAN!" you smiled at papyrus and walked up staires toghether with him. You knocked on the door. No response. You knocked again. Still no response. You decided to Just walk in the sight you saw next was heartbreaking you saw sans curled up in a Ball shaking and crying you felt youre soul ache a little. "s-sans are you okay?.." "O-oh hey y/n hey paps.. Ofcourse i Am... Totaly fine bro.. You know how im allways fine right?.." "dont lie to me sans youre not fine.." you and papyrus both sat on his bed taking him in youre Embrace. "Come here smoll bean.. Im here... What happend?.." "its nothing..." "sans youre allways tired at Day and youre allways up at night i want to know whats wrong!" papyrus yelled. "F-fine Just nightmares.." "you dont need to hide youre nightmares sans.." you kisses his forehead making him blush a little. "i know.." "now next time you have a nightmare you can allways tell the great papyrus or y/n Am i right y/n?" you nodded. "yes papy.." "thanks guys.." "its okay!" you smiled at sans and was planning on going away again since papy was also walking out but sans grabbed youre wrist and pulled you in bed with him. "please stay.." you nodded blusing a deep red. "O-okay.." "if you dont want to Thats fine..." he looked a little bit sad. "no i Will stay.." "thanks.." without thinking you Said the three words. "i love you..." you both blushed a deep shade only he blushed blue and you blushed red. "I-im so sorry i didnt mean to s-say.. That.." "so you dont love me..?" "I MEAN I DO... but you dont love me..." he pressed his teeth against youre lips kissing you. "i love you to Y/N.." you both fell asleep in each other arms.

undertale sans x reader oneshots (english)Where stories live. Discover now