{Chris Redfield x Reader} - Sacrifice

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 1 :


The mansion was huge as you wandered the halls with Chris right next to you. The lighting made it difficult to see but each room you had entered was different from the last. It was a maze the size of this place, it felt like the more you wandered the more you got lost. Ending up in new areas you wouldn't expect to see over ones you had explored or just passed through. A small sigh escaped your lips, tired of running around trying to find Wesker and Jill. You were over this mission already, seeming as though something was going on and it wasn't just the monsters that roamed the halls of this place either. You had a bad feeling as soon as you entered this mansion, thinking dealing with the dogs would have had a better outcome over this at the moment. They could have been killed one by one, not as a group like how they were chasing you but still. At least you had someone you could count on was all you could think. Resisting the urge to hold your boyfriend's hand as you walked. At a time like this you had to be strong and defend yourself so clinging on to him wasn't an option.

It seemed like time and time again as you would open a door to a room your group was nowhere to be found. Confusing you with how frustrating it was finding two people at the moment. How could they not be here, there were several floors to the building. As well as some traps and puzzles here and there, yet they disappeared without a trace was what it felt like. Knowing Chris would stop at nothing to find them and you agreed to help as well. But what was on your plate as well were finding these "Death Masks" in order to open up a crypt in the cemetery you found earlier on in the night. So it was like taking a detour on finding Jill and Wesker at the moment but also helping in finding them in a weird way.

"Chris haven't we been down this hallway?" You asked out of the blue as your hand lightly touched his wrist right above the gloves he wore. Not wanting to admit you haven't fully paid attention to where you were in a while. Your head was somewhere else, relying on him to make the calls of where to head to next. Following him like a duckling to its mother if he made a change in direction. He stopped as he glanced around, feeling your fingers intertwine with each other suddenly. You smiled softly as you felt your cheeks heat up at his sudden action, enjoying his touch like you normally would.

"I think you're right....this place is just a giant puzzle..Damn it"

"Hey it's alright, don't get so worked up about it...Here let's head this way alright" You replied, taking the lead as you started to walk down another hallway with him trailing behind you. It was where you had found Richard on the floor with Rebecca earlier on in the night. The door to the attic was right there in front of you both which was where you needed to head. A slight smirk was on your face that remembered where you were and Chris didn't but you wouldn't rub it in too much. You smiled as you turned pointing to the door with your thumb.

"Are you ready to head in?" You asked him as he stood there, staring at the door that was covered in what seemed to be cobwebs and dust. If you were being honest you had a bad feeling about entering. But if it meant finding the third death mask then you needed to suck it up and head inside. Your eyes landed on his, watching him smile as he nodded his head that he was ready. A small part of you was excited per say on entering a new room, but the other part only thought of what was truly waiting for you inside. It seemed like a constant occurrence that some type of monster would be waiting for you in the rooms you enter. Your hand reached down to your newly acquired key ring, holding out the shield key in your hand that matched the emblem on the door. The stairs creaked as you walked on them slowly and made your way up to the door. The key fit the lock perfectly and with a simple turn you could hear the lock shift open, pushing the door to finally walk inside.

"So much for any lighting" You muttered upon walking in, the smell of mold interrupted your senses entirely. Reminding you of the smell of old books or mildew. As you walked in the room was completely dark besides the two lanterns that hung from the wall far away from each other. Covered in cobwebs from the ceiling to the floor, it looked as if this room hasn't had a single person in it in years. It appeared as if this place was a storage room of some kind, it sure seemed like it with all the boxes that lined the walls. As you continued to walk inside your hands reached forward, obtaining some shotgun ammo from the shelves. At least this trip wasn't for nothing it was all you could think of as you grabbed the box, knowing Chris would want them for later since he had the shotgun at the moment. As you turned to tell him of your findings your heart sank as you watched a huge snake slowly reach down from the ceiling where a huge hole was. Your mouth lay agape once you saw the beast, knowing it was what caused Richard so much pain from before. Its eyes were slits as it stared at you both, its fangs dripped saliva and venom as it opened its mouth. It was heading for Chris and he didn't even know it yet.

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