{Carlos Oliveira x Reader} - Independent

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 3

You would say since the beginning, no even before you joined U.B.C.S that you have been very independent. Fighting for the position you are in now, countless days of working and training just to get up into the higher ranks and finally be in a position to do some real work. Your old job was sitting behind a screen, writing down any bioterrorism attacks or what could possibly be them for the others to investigate. Countless days of just sitting there going through news reports and articles, it really just wasn't your thing. The job was important yes, otherwise how would anyone know what was going on and what needed to be looked into. But it just wasn't something for you, as soon as the opportunity came up you were ready to step into the real fight. Saving people and making a difference was something you have always wanted to do and this was your time to shine.

Missions would pop up here and there during work, some of them the full team needed to go. Others it was a mere two people expected to leave for a small tip for an attack or any chemicals being used in an unauthorized area that could harm civilians. It was decent work and you wouldn't go back to your job at all if it was offered to you. You liked working in the field, actually being there and helping people unlike just sitting there on the computer. But this attack is what changed your mind of that completely. The Raccoon City attack was something no one could even think of happening with how abnormal the situation really was. It was something no one has ever imagined seeing before, not even the veterans in your squad that fought alongside you.

Smoke filled the air from buildings and cars as the sirens ran out through out the city, the whole place was in chaos. Fire was spreading every where, people were fighting to stay alive and there were these things that roamed the earth. Monsters no one could ever dream up, something man made that would affect everything if it wasn't contained. Your team was sent there to evacuate civilians from the city. To make sure you get at least get some people out of there before the town had been taken over. But at this rate you couldn't believe there was anyone left, if they were they were either getting munched on or causing damage to property. Nevertheless your objective was to get people to safety and no matter what that was what you were going to do. No matter what it took you needed to help them against the horde of the undead that roamed the earth once more.

"Have you checked down first street?" Carlos asked as you both jogged down the barely open road that had cars crashed against the sides of the side walk. The sound of glass crunching underneath every step. To be honest you had no idea where any of the streets were in this place. You were just checking what was around you before strategically going down streets coordinately. Thinking that searching the area closest was a better idea than skipping areas altogether.

"I don't think so, I have checked these alleys around us but I don't think I checked that street yet. Was someone else in charge of it before because I don't remember getting orders about searching there recently?" You asked as you pulled your arms into your body to not get burnt by the fire that came closer toward you on the car hood. Knowing it was a matter of time before it were to explode on some unlucky fellow trying to get by.

"Yes, he got moved to evacuate a building on the other end of the road. I tell you what you head over there and I'll check these buildings right here so we can cover double the area at the same time and get this over with faster" Carlos smiled as he pointed at the buildings he was going to look into. You nodded your head in reply, not really wanting to be split up by him but if he thought that was best that it was fine. Besides you liked working alone anyway sometimes so it would be a piece of cake if things went right for once here.

"There is no need to search the streets any more since they are filled with those monsters roaming around. Everyone left has most likely taken shelter some where around here if they are still in the area. So be careful when you head down there, I don't want to find you missing" He took a step toward you, pointing toward your radio to ask for it without saying anything. You handed it over without hesitation and watched as he messed with it in his hands for a second. Changing the channel station to another one only you both would use for now although it would pick up any one else who was using the radio on important business. A satisfied smile returned to his face as he handed your radio back to you. His hand reached forward and pressed the button on your mic in your ear to turn it on since he knew you didn't like wearing it and hearing people talk while you work. Something you have always complained about when he asks why your light isn't on and sarcastically saying he called for you and realized that's why you didn't answer.

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