{Jack Krauser x Reader} - Intervene

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Movie/Game : N/a


In the heart of a top-secret training facility, where the air was thick with tension and the sound of gunfire echoed through the halls from the training that went on along the members of the secret force that was formed to protect the president and his cabinet. Everyone had their own set of tasks to complete and training to become better soldiers in their field of rank in order to surpass others and prove themselves to be accepted into jobs that trusted officials and agents could handle. It was the same for everyone mostly and you stood in those ranks as well alongside the other squad members you trained with. Undergoing intense combat and firearms training, guided by Jack whose rank surpassed yours long ago.

Jack was more than just a mentor to you; he was a trusted confidant and friend, someone who pushed you to be the best version of yourself. With his guidance, you honed your skills and pushed yourself to the limits, determined to prove your worth in a field dominated by men around you. Wanting to be able to be trusted in order to fight for what was right, regardless of what you couldn't and couldn't do. Jack wanted to see the best outcome for you, since day one of meeting you he made that clear that no matter what he would be by your side and would help you reach the top just like himself. He adored you and loved seeing that determined look in your eye whenever you truly saw your progress in succeeding. Knowing that these challenges could sometimes be a pain and the work place wasn't the best either with the jealous soldiers that watched you pass them by knowing you could beat them with ease. He knew it was a struggle for you and promised he would be there to help, but sometimes he wouldn't always be there when you needed his back up and he knew that and so did you.

As the day went on, sweat dripped from your brow as your wrapped knuckles hit the punching bag in front of you. Endurance training was key in order to push yourself to truly take more in, to push past the limits at which you could handle to make sure you were prepared for anything and everything. Your muscles in your arms flexed as sweat  made them glisten in the lighting of the training room. Keeping your mind focused on your target in front of you as you continue on to keep your mind off of things. Specifically the sound of the familiar soldier that seemed like he couldn't leave you alone as you trained. Barnes was his name, known for his arrogance and his disdain for anyone he deemed inferior to himself. His jealousy was easy to spot among the crowd as well if he saw someone passing him by in tests he thought they shouldn't.

Your firsts  came forward, smashing against the punching bag as you noticed his gaze upon you as he finished his reps on his weights nearby. His gaze didn't hold one of curiosity, more like it was hatred for you as you kept your mind off of him. Things like this never got to you no, it was hard to get under your skin as you could take quite a lot before you would explode in anger. Yet it was annoying knowing he was watching you as you continued on with your punches before you. Barnes stood up from the weight bench as he walked over, leaning against a pillar close by as he focused on your form in front of him.

"Endurance, again?" He asked in a cold tone as he watched you, anger rising within him as he noticed how you ignored his question and continued on like he wasn't even there. You knew not to give him the time of day, remembering how Jack told you not to feed in to him after you had a discussion with him about Barnes' claims he had toward you. His jealous stares that would get under your skin since you knew he hated that Jack helped you out more rather than criticized you like he did majority to everyone else.

"Oh so now you're ignoring me? Wow I didn't think you'd go this far, did your boyfriend Krauser tell you to do this?" He asked with a smirk since he knew he struck a nerve once he saw you stall in your punches. You felt heat rise to your cheeks at his comment, unsure on how to feel as the thought of being with Jack had crossed your mind so many times before. It was just so nice being with him, he was so kind and caring toward you, wanting you to be the best you could possibly be. He complimented you and pushed you to your limit and you could never thank him enough. But he was also there to protect you as well from people like this, he knew you could handle yourself but having him there in times like this made you happy and appreciative even though it seemed it gave off the wrong vibes to everyone else.

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