{Leon Kennedy x Reader} - Jealousy

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 4 Remake


The castle held a sadly familiar dark and dreary atmosphere as the lanterns flickered where they were strung up against the walls. It was a place you never wanted to get used to although it looked cool at first the timing of it all seemed to be off. It was a place you wouldn't have minded visiting if you weren't on business to retrieve the president's daughter. Or if there was a massive cult obsessed with infecting people with parasites living inside. Otherwise this would have been a nice tour of a medieval looking castle out in the middle of nowhere.

The castle was huge and roomy, seeming to be a maze indoors once you made your way inside with the blonde girl and your partner you stood close to. It seemed like once you three had made your way out of the village with Luis' small bit of help another trial was cast upon you. Proving to be a challenge to even survive out here in the middle of the woods with the blonde girl by your side. Like an even bigger target was placed on your backs that glowed bright neon lights for the village people to find you. It was simple, retrieve the president's daughter and get the hell out of there on the helicopter being sent for your rescue. Yet once she was with you the chase out of the village and into the castle was just enough to send you over the edge. 

But to top it all off with this virus being inside you three she decided to try and stab your partner out of nowhere once you made it out into this small courtyard looking area after running around for at least an hour. Just as you thought you were getting somewhere, any lead at all to escape the castle was followed just like this one was until she decided to switch sides or was forced to you should say. The gate separated you two from her, watching her run off in fear of what she had just done. You knew it wasn't her that was doing this, it was that damn virus that was infected in your three. The same virus that plagued the townspeople, turning them into those monsters that would soon be you if you didn't stop the virus soon enough. But the fact that you had to find her again was quite annoying, just saying. That brings you to where you are now, trying to find a way around the gate that had shut and separated you both from her. Following the stern man's lead ever since her grand exit mere minutes ago.

Once the radio went out to report back to the main base you knew you both were on your own here in this place. The dark blonde male seemed so serious as he wandered inside the walls of the aged castle. You kept pace with him by his side, watching the way he seemed so tense as he made it down the hall once you reentered this place of hell. Being the only place to really enter in order to proceed with your mission. It seemed like the same thing happened, the same mob of monsters trying to attack you. The same bloodthirsty look in their eyes as they chased after you both in order to end your lives. Back and forth you both walked, leading you to the hallway you were in now. Trying to regain composure after the fight you both walked out of earlier. Your E/c eyes wandered the hall into you found your gaze back on your partner beside you. The look in his eye was one you could never get over, seeming to know it like the back of your hand by now from how long you have known him. 

Agent Leon S Kennedy was someone you have grown close to in your time with the agency under the president. He was your first real friend you made on the job and someone you cared about way more than you should. The dark blonde agent was someone you could rely on with anything that came your way, you truly trusted your life in his hands as you worked together day by day in the field. Proving during your tough training hours that you could rely on him to push you through, giving you encouragement to never give up and to stick by him through the end of training. He was kind and sweet, although he wasn't best with expressing his feelings and hid them the majority of the time, you knew he cared for you. Getting the message with his actions time and time again. Leading you on to think he really did like you for who you truly were, at least that's what you told yourself once you started to realize he didn't treat you like any other person in his life.

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