{Leon Kennedy x Reader} - Lago

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 4 Remake


The cool breeze blew your hair to the side as you stood there on the creaking dock near the body of water in the middle of the woods. Staring at the bottomless lake with some sort of anxiety as you watched the waves hit the edge of land. The small bass swimming around in groups as the bull frogs sang on the rocks. If you hadn't known that there were villagers trying to kill you consistently as well as a huge monster that lurked in the waters here you probably would have felt better about being in this area. Yet after watching that mighty beast eat one of the police officers that brought you here earlier on like it was nothing this anxiety could never subside as well as the nightmares you will most likely have after this.

As a government agent you should be scared of nothing, after all of the training physically and mentally you have gone through especially. Knowing you could practically go through anything and come out in one piece. Yet the thought of water still frightened you even though you told yourself you shouldn't be afraid. The fact that you couldn't see anything scared you even just standing here on the dock as your partner filled the gas tank up with the leftover gasoline you stumbled upon. He was silent as he filled the tank, holding the gas canister up until every last drop was poured. Smirking at his handy work, the gas canister dropped to the dock as he stood up straight. Watching you as you stared out blankly at the water, holding your arms close to yourself as you waited patiently.

"You doing alright?" Jumping at his sudden question that infiltrated your moment of staring off into space. With a quick glance over your shoulder you smiled back at him slightly, knowing you could easily play this off as nothing to him. Though a small part of you knew you weren't going to get away with covering up your fear especially if you were about to head out on the water shortly.

"N-Not really if I'm being honest...water isn't my strong suit. Pathetic right?" You replied as you turned on your heel, letting out a deep breath you had been holding in for quite some time.

"No, everyone has their fears. Even trained professionals like us, it'll be alright. We'll make it across the lake to that dock in no time at all. Just focus on me so you won't think about the water" As he stood by the edge of the dock he smiled at you softly as he held his hand out to you. With small hesitation you took it, lowering yourself into the boat onto the water. With your sudden weight added on the boat wobbled slightly until you took a seat toward the front of the boat. Feeling it rock again once your partner stepped in after you. Your eyes wandered across the lake, it would be peaceful if you weren't so focused on what lay beneath the water. As your eyes continued to wander across the lake you heard the sound of the engine beginning to struggle as your partner pulled on the throttle cable in order to get the boat running. The silence was infiltrated by the sound of the boat starting up. Soon being driven out into the area you never wanted to enter in the first place.

The air was quite cold as you felt the boat begin to move at a reasonable speed across the water, knowing it was probably as fast as the engine could take you without it breaking instantly or back firing. The sun hit the water just right to make the scenery absolutely beautiful with the time of day. It would seem like a nice retreat to some without the conditions you were in currently. Regardless you tried to focus your mind on something else other then what you thought was lurking below.

"The lake is actually pretty amazing isn't it even though we are on the villager's land. It's a nice change of pace after everything we have gone through today" You spoke, taking in a deep breath as you settled down where you sat. As you continued to focus forward on the land you were heading to you failed to see the look on your partner's face. A calm expression as he seemed to keep his eye on you as he focused on driving on the water.

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