{Billy Coen x Reader} - Crash and Burn

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 0


The wind howled outside as the rain fell like bullets against the train's windshield. The storm wasn't going to disappear anytime soon which could only add on to the bad situation you all were dealt. You stood with your arms crossed, glancing at the door Rebecca just took to make her way to the other end of the train. The brake system needed to be fully operational otherwise your ride was going to crash on impact at its last destination. You three finally made it to the front of the train after a night of horror that came across you. Just to be split up to activate a brake system that was the opposite of functional. 

A frustrated sigh escaped your lips as you reached down, grabbing your pistol strapped to your side. Your gloved hands pulled out the clip, making sure you had enough ammo for whatever was bound to come your way as the night would continue. From zombie passengers to rabid dogs, leeches and giant scorpions you had a bad feeling this was just the beginning of things to deal with. 

If you asked yourself in the beginning, when you geared up for the mission you thought it would take an hour or two. Quick in and out that was all, not a huge problem was what you told yourself. Yet you never could have thought your night was going to go down this way. Never even expecting to see the dead walking the earth again. Or to work together with the man you were supposed to capture. Your eyes moved on their own as you watched him gaze at the control panel in front of him. As if he was trying to figure it out on his own without the manual that was somewhere hidden. His gaze held a calm look as his arms crossed over his toned chest. He was not dressed for the occasion no, but the way he dressed did amuse you when you gazed at him. A simple gray tank top, jeans and boots with the handcuffs as a true fashion statement. You giggled to yourself as you turned your head to hide your smile. Making sure he didn't catch you gazing at him as you joked around in your own head. 

This night was filled with surprises you could say, as soon as you stepped off the helicopter and went your separate ways with your group it seemed to be a never ending nightmare. The man you were supposed to capture and detain was now working by your side, even trustworthy to you in your time of need he seemed to be there. He intrigued you, made you question as to if he was even a bad guy against you as the night went on. He didn't seem like a bad guy at all, you watched him save Rebecca from those mutant leeches hours before, he saved you as you got your leg pulled out from underneath you by a zombie in a train car. You really thought that he wasn't this awful guy that they wrote about in their reports. Yet when you thought that you couldn't help but change your mind in a joking manner when he gave you a smug look when he would pass by you, that cocky grin you fell for every time when you would watch him. 

"Do you think she is doing okay, heading down to the end of the train on her own I mean" You suddenly spoke, breaking the tension in the air between you both. You stayed back for a couple of reasons, but staying with Billy just seemed like the right way to go. You knew Rebecca was fine on her own, yes she was new but she had the training and you wanted to give her the chance to fight for her place. But hanging back with Billy just meant you could keep an eye on him even if he thought you both were cool and being "cooperative" like he had asked.

"I think so, she's tough I'll give her that. Soon enough we'll get the call from her to turn on the brakes and we can hopefully get off of this death trap that we have been trapped on all night." Billy replied, looking around the place he hated being stuck in since the train turned on. His gaze was now on you as you hummed as a response, sounding unsure as you took a few steps toward him as he stood in the middle of the car. The rain seemed to catch your attention once more, the sound of each droplet pounding on the glass as the train rode on the rails at almost top speed. Sending a sick feeling throughout you as you stood there, tucking your gun down its holster once more. You needed to focus, to stay on task and worry about everything later after the brakes were put on.

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