{Luis Sera x Reader} - People Can Change

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 4 Remake


The elevator rattled as soon as your finger pressed the button on the side of the wall. Everyone was accounted for that stood inside, exhausted but alive which was all that mattered now at this point in time. The thought of things getting worse slipped your mind a few times as soon as you came down here into the lower levels of the castle. It seemed like ever since you and your partner Leon were dropped down below it was a never ending nightmare plus one since your new friend tagged along on the journey of a lifetime. Luis the old umbrella researcher that Leon never trusted to begin with. Although you understood why he shouldn't be trusted your heart felt a whole other way when you saw the brunette. He seemed to make the situation you were in better by being there, bringing some positive energy into the atmosphere that you and your partner lacked as of now.

It just seemed like no matter what nothing could go your way as you fought to reclaim the goal of your mission once more. First the virus was acting up, then you had to fight giants out of everything, a rail cart ride that could have killed you and giant bugs from a huge nest. Every single time you thought you could catch a break something always seemed to happen. Denying relaxation if you ever wanted some time to catch your breath.

Moving away from the button you managed to find a space between the two men in the elevator with you. Leaning against the wall to finally try and calm yourself of the situation you had just left. All those bugs attacking you weren't the best time of your life after that adrenaline rush of a cart ride. Your eyes wandered over to the brunette to the right of you, watching him stand so smoothly against the side of the elevator. He caught your gaze, smirking at you for a second,

"Whew, I'm beat. Makes you really appreciate tech like this" The Spaniard muttered in a calming tone as he gestured to your ride you were currently on to bring you up to the upper floors finally. 

"Anything is better than those mine carts down there" You replied, never wanting to experience anything like that again. Roller coasters were one thing but carts that haven't been touched and a tract or railroad ties that weren't finished were definitely not your definition of fun. Feeling like you were risking your life even just sitting on the ride to get to the end.

"Touche senorita" The brunette replied as he gestured to you, making you blush at the sudden interaction.

"I don't get you, why risk your life like this. You don't know us" Leon's voice was heard suddenly, bringing your attention to him as he stood there. The dirty blonde never dropped his guard like you were at the moment. You understood you needed to stay alert in case anything were to happen in the moment. Especially with your luck today you need to be on guard for any possibility. But you felt he needed to just take it easy, knowing you could have the time to just take a deep breath in as you rode up.

"I told you, it makes me feel better" The brunette replied, knowing it wasn't the best answer but it was enough to get him by.

"Be straight with me for once" Leon kept prying for the real answer, surprising you slightly since you knew he didn't really want anything to do with the Spaniard until the time you had spent with him to try and escape this place down below.

"Los Illuminados... I was working for them" Luis replied, his voice carrying a lower tone as if he were ashamed of admitting those words. His eyes glanced over at you for a second as if to see how you were going to react to what he was bound to say

"See? There you go"

"Helping the three of you doesn't make up for it, I know that. But still, I don't want anyone else to get hurt"

"Well in that case, you better get serious" Leon said, seeming satisfied with the answer he had gotten from the researcher. Suddenly the brunette chuckled to himself as he glanced at his gun before his eyes landed on the dirty blonde in front of him.

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