{Leon Kennedy x Fem Reader} - Inappropriate Timing (NSFW)

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Movie/Game : N/a


There was one thing about your job that you couldn't stand and that was the surprise meetings that would take longer than an hour to finish. You could be doing anything else for the government agency and wouldn't complain at all, yet this was definitely not your forte or favorite pass time to sit quietly and wait for the meeting to be finished. Hoping, no praying there were no further questions at the end and everyone understood what was going on overall so you could finally leave and continue your day. You could blame it on the fact that business wasn't really your area of work here, hands on jobs were what were given to you since your training was advanced. But it was more the fact that your attention span didn't stand a chance during times like these. Resisting to let out a groan of annoyance once a meeting was called in the first place since you had a feeling it wouldn't be quick since it never was.

It was a constant routine of trying to act professional or to at least appear that way as your mind wandered to somewhere else in order to pass the time. Your presence during these things wasn't really important since you worked under most people and knew your partner would understand what was going on and would fill you in as he took his job very seriously. Yet even now as you sat up straight in your chair, stealing a glance over at him that sat two chairs down. Even he seemed like he was struggling to pay full attention over this case since it was one that you both just needed to be present to hear.

Leon appeared to be in the same boat, it did take him longer to accept the feeling of boredom here in the conference room. But what took the cake was the fact that he had been staring down at his watch upon his wrist. Using it as his phone currently to not seem childish and unprofessional and it appeared to be working as the meeting continued on. Resting your palm against your chin you watched him, studying your dirty blonde partner as he would look at his watch. Scroll slightly before looking up to make it seem like he was paying attention to what was being said before looking back down in his lap at the screen once more. With a small tap of your finger against the table your attention was now on him and him only as he seemed to capture your interest rather than the meeting going on currently. There was something about him that always seemed to capture your eye as you held a soft spot for him in your heart after how many years you worked beside him. A relationship built on trust and communication over the years, but it was also a relationship you knew you could mess with and have a little fun since he was wrapped around your finger.

That's when an idea popped into your head as you continued to steal glances at your attractive partner.  Smiling to yourself you leaned back in your chair, making sure no one could see what you were doing or could peek over your shoulder to see what you were up to. Opening up your phone you found yourself scrolling through your previously saved pictures you've taken. Your happy smile turned easily into a sly smirk as you found what you were looking for with ease, it was a simple picture you've taken of yourself previously. Half-naked lying in bed in a new pair of lingerie you were saving for an occasion. It was a picture you actually didn't mind having of yourself since you felt attractive and pretty, even if it wasn't the best position or lighting. But who was Leon to judge when this was a huge favor on your part to make his boredom go away.  

With one last look at your phone your finger hovered over the send button, biting your bottom lip slightly as you stared at his contact. Knowing this could go several different ways overall. It wasn't the first time you've sent stuff like this to him so you weren't worried about him seeing you dressed up. It was more a worry of how he was going to take this after the picture was sent. There was no going back though unfortunately, your mind was made up the moment you found the picture. This meeting wasn't going by any faster and you needed a little bit of fun. With a smirk your finger pressed the send button, leaning slightly to see his face once the message was sent. It didn't take long for him to look, his eyes showed no sign of a reaction yet the flush to his cheeks told all as he stared at his watch for longer than he should have. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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