{Merchant x Reader} - Sanctuary

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 4 Remake

Requested by : @YumeHoshi


It wasn't often you got injured on the job, being one of the best in your field of work it was hard to do so to begin with. Aware of your surroundings and quick to react to events around you, you were a solid fighter and soldier in your field of work. So of course being chosen to tag along on this mission with your friend agent Kennedy didn't faze you one bit, in fact the mission intrigued you. Wondering into a village without much information as to what was going on in order to retrieve the president's daughter as it was a top priority in order to rescue her. A job you would easily risk your life for from the circumstances laying ahead as her life was far more important to care for a save. 

Yet as you rode in the painfully awkward car ride with the two Spanish police officers there, your mind couldn't help but wonder if this mission was going to be easy or not. As you rode with your elbow resting against the arm rest where you sat. Your chin in your palm as you thought over any possible situation you could be walking into once your destination was to arrive. Thinking of this place as some small village with not many places to search for Ashley in the first place. A quick in and out operation possibly with some fighting and gun action which seemed simple enough as it was what you've trained for to the best of your capability. But quite frankly you decided to change your mind immediately after setting foot in this place and dealing with the crazy people that showed up seeming to be on the cue of your grand entrance as the village awaited you a head.

Shit hit the fan not too long after your arrival, it was something you could easily admit as the village people decided it would be a good idea to attack you right off the bat without even a warning. Something controlling them in order to attempt and take you and your partner's lives away in any opportunity they saw to take. In reality you were filled with anxiety about everything going on, not sure who to trust and what was really going on in this place full of hell. One second you're fine, then the next the villagers attack and one wields a chainsaw coming after you until the church bells ring them off somewhere else like they're hypnotized. Running around aimlessly as there was no "right way" to go about this maze of a place that stretched out for miles.

All the events kept piling on after that, from there you met a man you weren't sure you could trust at all at first. Luis was his name evidently and for that matter you weren't sure what you could trust about him since you were stuck to chains for a while only for him to drop the key and run off. Knowing he would make another appearance sooner or later as he seemed to know things that neither you or Leon could comprehend in that moment in time. There was only one person you felt you could trust since he hadn't tried to kill you yet and that was this mysterious figure in the cloak with the purple scarf over the bottom half of his face, the merchant that you had met in your journey here quite early in.

Of course in your first meeting you were quite startled by his sudden introduction, after losing everything from your enemies capturing you and having to fight your way through the armed guards to get your things back. You were on edge about anything and everything especially since the enemy got the drop on you beforehand to put you in such a situation like that. Catching you off guard which seemed to be the worst situation you could possibly be in at the moment in this place. Yet once your weapons were back in your possession and you headed for the door there he was. His eyes intrigued you as they squinted slightly as if he was smiling underneath his mask. Not to mention his accent that shined with every word he spoke in his raspy voice, he was quick as he opened the door and nodded over to his work bench as if to call you over without saying much beforehand.

"Over here Strangers!" he called out, waiting for you both to come to his aid as if you knew you could trust him. Shooting Leon a confused glance you heard him whisper beside you,

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