{Leon Kennedy x Reader} - Star Crossed Lovers

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Movie/Game : N/A


Two different organizations, both have equal respect for different aspects of their cause and their strengths. One would think that if they worked together that they would be unstoppable in their fight for a good cause and the protection that would be provided from them. But alas that future is one that no one is willing to see. Both sides have different views on different issues and outcomes, problem solving and what matters more or less. Never seeking help out for one another unless times were truly desperate enough to consider it and currently they weren't at all. So they stuck to their separate ways like they usually would without even a thought about the other in mind.

This idea was something two individuals hoped would happen, an alliance of sorts so that way they could finally see each other without the pressure of time management eating away at their free time. It was stressful, both jobs had a considerable amount of work behind them and effort. Each holds important roles and ranks among them which they can't just turn away and say they are busy. Only leaving them with just enough time to see each other after work every once in a while ever since both of them went down different paths from the outcome of Raccoon City. Only being able to be by each other once the day is done in their shared apartment. Not even having enough time on some days to ask how the other's day was. It truly seemed like fate just loved messing with the couple as the days went on.

A small laugh escaped your lips as your hand covered your mouth to hide your smirk. The sound of conversations were heard in the restaurant, like background noise to you that you would blur out when hearing your significant other speak. With the lighting just right and your stomachs full you were satisfied. He was stunning tonight, wearing a nice dress shirt and overcoat that matched his pants. Although you thought he was attractive nonetheless when he wore something fancy you couldn't help but stare at him as if you had first begun dating all over again. 

It has been a while since you both have gone out like this. Being in the B.S.A.A and a higher rank among your squad has taken up more time than you would have liked in your life. Not understanding how Chris can manage it since you were just right below his rank as a captain in the agency. Your people trusted you with their lives, being one of the strongest and highly motivated you jumped ranks quickly among joining on the offer Claire had told you about when you met up with her years ago. Gaining respect quickly in the agency you were known for your great skill in surviving Raccoon City which granted you quicker spots when groups were sent out during a bioterrorism attack. Yet it also meant it would be more time away from your boyfriend you wished to spend all of your time with as well.

"I'm serious the guy working at the main desk stared at me as if I was going to hurt him Leon. All because I asked him if he actually remembered the names of the top officers since he seemed confused. They should really warn us about new workers, I almost gave him a heart attack just by talking to him!" A laugh escaped your throat once more, your fingers were intertwined with the government agent in front of you. Hearing his sweet chuckle as he listened to you carry on about your story. He was well respected in his area of work, protecting the president with his life and the president's family from what you have heard in the past. Being that he was the only one with a higher qualified skill set he was asked to do a lot more than what was needed in the agency which also strained his social life as well. 

"I guess you are just that intimidating my dear, you can be quite scary at times" He replied with a warm smile as his fork pressed down on the small piece of cheesecake on the table that you had ordered a while ago with a fresh round of drinks. He held the fork up in front of you, letting you bite down on the end to take the small piece he cut off.

"Do you think I'm intimidating?" You asked as you enjoyed the sweet desert in your mouth, catching his smile growing as he watched you. It was a usual routine, grabbing dessert at the end of every date even though you both would be full from dinner and drinks that were ordered. He adored feeding you when it was your favorite sweet you ordered. Loving the fact that you were always so happy when he offered you a bite after taking one himself.

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