{Rebecca Chambers x Reader} - Train Stop

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 0


You gazed out the window, the starry yet cloudy sky seemed to stay the same as you flew through the night. The window seat was yours, your partner sitting next to you with her head down. Focused on the floor of the helicopter you were riding in at such an early time of morning. She seemed tired as you were too, to be pulled out here like this so early. Her head slowly rested on your shoulder, just proving how the exhaustion had caught up with her and soon you as well. You hadn't understood fully why you were called so later last night to be prepared for a mission like this. Keeping your trap shut any time you thought of a sarcastic remark or tease about being out this early. It was calm for now, peaceful as you would say as you watched the outside world below you. Your arm was rested on the edge of the window as you yawned slightly into your other hand to hide the fact you were exhausted. What could possibly happen that would need your teams assistance at this time of night anyway.

It was almost like as soon as you muttered those words in your head a sound outside the helicopter interrupted your thoughts. A crashing sound hit straight in to the back of the helicopter, as you turned your head you found dark gray and black smoke erupting into the sky as fire poured from the back piece near the propeller blades. You shoved your hand against the side of the helicopter, trying to keep your balance so you wouldn't bash your head against the side of the wall. You gazed among your squad, their frightened looks telling all as they sat there wondering the same stuff as you. Gazing down you found your partner, Rebecca sitting there almost in shock. Reaching over you pulled her closer into yourself, feeling her tighten her grip around your waist. She was scared and confused as to what was going on around you. Yet you knew you couldn't tell her anything, you were left in the dark as well and could only protect her encase you were to crash in the next few minutes.

"What's going on?!"

"Engine failure, emergency landing" Red lights flashed everywhere as the pilot flew the helicopter down. You kept Rebecca steady as your flight took a turn for the worst, bumping into tree branches and knocking you around somewhat before you finally landed. The breath you were holding disappeared as you finally sighed in relief. Glad to be on land once more. You removed your hand from her, blushing as you turned your face. The crew had opened the door, leaving you as the last one to escape. You smiled at your pilot, giving a nod of approval before you shut the door and joined your squad.

"Check the current position and investigate the surrounding area" Your captain exclaimed, you felt as though you were in the middle of nowhere because truly you were. No road in sight, no houses no nothing. Just nothing but woods that surround you as you stand by the people you think you can trust most. You held your gun firmly in your grasp, hoping you were ready for whatever was thrown at you in the coming hours.

"Captain, look" You glanced over at her familiar voice that intrigued you, watching her point at this abandoned van with people crushed in the front. It must have fallen off the road from the looks of it, strange to find it all the way out here. You took a few steps forward, crouching down with the captain as you leaned forward. Moving the face of one of the fallen before you, dried blood came from his mouth and bloodshot eyes. This was nothing normal you have seen before, it was strange to find them in a state like this.


"What happened" As you stood up you found Rebecca leaning over a brief case in front of her. She must have found something in this mess yet you had a bad feeling that it wasn't going to be any good from the looks of your dead friends on the ground.

"Court order for transportation, prisoner Billy Coen ex lieutenant 26 years old. Court marshaled and sentenced to death July 22nd. Prisoner is to be transferred to the Regaethon base for execution." She read aloud for everyone, you peered over her shoulder as read along at the rest of the notes filed. 

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