{Karl Heisenberg x Reader} - Back Up Plan Pt 2

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 8
Your eyes stung as they started to open, noticing there was a bright light shining right above you. Your hand lifted up as you shoved the light to the side in annoyance. Blinking hard to try and get the glare out of your eyes which wouldn't go away for a while. As your vision started you clear you began to take in your surroundings, taking note that you were in a different area of the factory. Like a testing room per say judging by the tools, the blood, the spare parts and oil. Not to mention the smell of burning oil that still lingered in the air along with the smoke of the Cuban cigars Heisenberg kept close to him. Noticing your bloody shirt you were wearing as the holes in your body were closed and left a few scars along your skin. It was honestly a shock to you that he even removed the metal that jabbed out of you so raggedly. Your head began to hurt as you glanced around, hearing mumbling coming from the side of you. 

There Heisenberg paced, running his hands through his hair as he talked to himself like the mad man he was. Yet you had to admit he was pretty handsome from the angle you were getting as you stared at him. Taking note of how fit he was with his trench coat off, his salt and pepper hair loose and unwashed, not to mention the scars that aligned his body. You felt your cheeks burn as you continued to stare at him, taking note that he was clueless to your waking moment.

"I'm so fucked, Mother Miranda is going to destroy me for letting her die this fast. If she would have died this quickly I have have let that fucking tall lady bitch take her...fuck...fuck what am I going to do. I really thought she wouldn't have been stupid enough to walk off, yet here I am now stuck with a dead body on my hands....shit.." he continued to speak as he paced not even nothing you starting to sit up. The gaze you held on him for so long started to wonder to your hands, noticing they were healed apparently as you reached down and touched your sore stomach. You winced as you pulled your hand away from your own skin. Forgetting that feeling of pain you haven't felt in such a long time. 

Slowly you throw your legs over the edge of the table as best you could with a bang as the heel of your boot hit the metal table you sat on. His head snapped toward you, eyes wide as his jaw opened as he stared like he saw a ghost. His body moved fast as his hands landed on the table top beside your thighs so you wouldn't move away from him. His eyes bright yellow as his glasses fell slightly down the bridge of his scarred nose. His hand reached over sudden, touching the spot where the metal was jabbed through your chest. His fingers were cold and calluses aligned them, yet he was gentle was he ran them down the jagged line across your skin. Moving to the other one lower as he moved your shirt slightly up so he could have a better look at the regeneration of your skin. Watching you wince slightly to his touches even though he was going slow and steady. His eyes were mesmerized, taking glances at your red face as he continued to poke and trace your skin. Taking note of previous scars as well along your body he was interested in. 

"How the fuck are you alive, what did you do. Do you have Cadou in you? Was this a test against me that Mother Miranda planned!" He asked as he inspected you like you were some type of magic demon. His hand grabbed your jaw suddenly , moving your face slightly as he stared in to your eyes like they were hiding something. Now paranoid of your presence as if you were there to ruin him. He watched you shift, your cheeks turning a deeper shade of red as your heart pumped against your rib cage loudly. You weren't sure what this was you were feeling, but it was almost like a yearning sensation as he pinned you down.

"Remember what I said about being in hell because of my family" you began to say, watching the cogs turn in his head as he began to remember what you had told him earlier on.

"....I was infected by this mold three years ago because my brother needed help saving his wife from these crazed mold infested people back in Louisiana. I was killed, and brought back to life because of the mold back then, my body has went through hell and back and it's still kicking. It's stuck with me ever since...it's like regeneration I guess is the fancy term" you replied as he switched his grip on your face to your arm. Holding your arm out to the side, following the veins in your arms as he held your hand and moved your fingers that were once broken which he took note of how you escaped. You chuckled softly as you watched him basically play with your body like a child playing with a toy. He was so interested in how you functioned, how you regenerated, how you worked. That spark he felt when he first saw you was coming back and he loved it, no yearned for it.

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