{Leon Kennedy x Reader} - Just You and Me

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Movie/Game : N/A

The air was filled with smoke as fire burned in the train compartment you wished you could erase from your memory. There stood in front of you, pushing its mass into the train compartment. The monster that had been hunting you all down the whole night. Fear over took you as you sat there on the ground after being knocked down from the sudden weight shift of the compartment. It was as if you couldn't do anything, you were terrified and felt yourself unable to be moved when you attempted to move back from the mighty beast. It screeched and squelched as its tentacles clawed the inside of the train compartment. Poor Sherry must have been wondering what was going on here as you and your two friends stood still in the compartment over. 

"We need to prevent that thing from destroying the train, the self destruction protocol has already begun. If we are prevented from traveling further the train will go up in flames" Leon called out, using his pistol to send shots towards the monsters eyes. Your hand was slowly lifted up, you watched your fingers as if you had never seen them before. Soon holding your neck as you began to cough in your panicking state. You remembered this moment in time, it was when you managed to remove the monster from the train and escape just barely from the tunnel once the explosions went off. But why wasn't that happening, it was as if you were stuck in time unable to do anything. Tears slipped down your cheeks as you watched a tentacle reach forward as Claire reloaded her pistol. Grabbing her and holding her up in the air, the strength of the tentacle crushed her as it held her. Blood came dripping from her lips as the tentacle coiled around her tighter. There was nothing you could do as you watched her eyes roll into the back of her head as she cried out in pain. Her body was thrown from the train back behind the creature as it began attacking once more.

"This isn't how this is supposed to go....why the fuck isn't that thing dying. We were supposed to make it out of here alive. Happy ending style where we walk out of here" You cried out as your shaky hand attempted to grab your gun that laid to the side of you. Next you watched another tentacle be shot out to Leon's ankles. He was then lifted up into the air, trying his best to fire shots at the mighty beast to let him go. You cried out, shooting the beast over and over again. You had already lost one friend you couldn't lose him either. The monster dropped Leon on his head in a swift motion, treating his body as if it weighed nothing.

"LEON!" You sobbed as you clicked your trigger over and over, the chamber was jammed. There was nothing you could do but watch in agony as Leon was dropped and flung. Blood dripped from his arms and face as he hung lifelessly. His body was dropped near you on the ground, his eyes bloodshot as blood dripped from nearly every orifice in his face. Tears flooded down your face as you continued to try and shoot your gun at the monster before you. Feeling your legs get pulled out from underneath you. You hadn't even tried to grab something to prevent yourself from being pulled away. You let yourself hang in the air as another tentacle wrapped around your neck. Cutting off your air flow instantly as you reached out and struggled against the strength of the beast in front of you. Your vision started to become hazy as you felt your legs be pulled apart from your torso. A pained cry escaped your lips as your body was being pulled apart from each other. 

You awoke with a gasp as you sat up in your bed, sweat dripped from your brow as you frantically looked around. A nauseous feeling was eating away at you as you sat there, a blanket lay on your legs. Finally your eyes landed on the brunette you claimed as your own. His hair laid over his face as his arm lay lightly around your waist. Your breathing started to normalize as you sat there, watching him sleep peacefully beside you. Everything was okay, no one was dead, you made it out of there. A groan escaped your lips as your hand reached your forehead, face palming at your outburst in the middle of the night. You hadn't had one of these in so long yet they always seemed to come back and haunt you in the middle of the night. It had been years since the Raccoon City accident so why think of it now when everything has been said and done. Maybe it was the fact that you had a phone call with Claire yesterday? You couldn't place your finger on it you just knew something triggered the reaction out of you.

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