{Leon Kennedy x Reader} - Let Me Carry You

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Movie/Game : N/A


Working for the government was no easy job, several cases were taken per week and the work load was quite frustrating at times. But you took this job understanding that and would do whatever you could to protect your country from anything that were to come its way. Being an agent of the government you were also sent in on missions as well the likely normal person wouldn't go on. Specifically today was one of those days unfortunately for you that you would head out on a mission with highly trained agents. The mission was simple, there have been recent reports of this group staying out at this huge abandoned building in the middle of the woods. You were to go check it out and make sure no illegal bio weapons were being traded, or if they were a threat to the government.

The only bright side out of all of this was the fact that you got to work beside one of your favorite people on the work force. Agent Leon S. Kennedy. The stern looking gentlemen you got the satisfaction of meeting around a year ago while working here since you got promoted to go on the team to fight alongside him. He was quiet and very serious about his work, but after going on many missions with him you soon started to take bricks off that wall he put up around him. Lucky you could find yourself joking around with him now and could hold a decent conversation before work orders were back into it. Learning that you could trust your life in his hands easily, even before hearing all of his heroic stories from the past.

Your friendship began shortly after you started working in the area he was in. Training sessions with him were cut short as you would speak on your breaks or head to the bar to relax yourselves from work. You enjoyed being around him in your free time, making it feel as though your life wasn't bound to your work like you thought it would be. You brought out a good laid back side in him you felt when you would speak. Trying to calm him down if things would go wrong during a mission or at work if things got too stressful. He would rely on you for your sense of judgement at times and you would gladly help him with whatever he needed. Forming a bond between you both that no one could really understand since you two were so different yet mashed well with each other when you were together and working. Which was why you were put on so many missions together.

"Bravo team head inside the building, we have the outside surrounded" You could hear your mic on your headset speak as you head your assault rifle tightly in your grasp. Even though you were smaller then most you were tough and made up for it with your skill in combat. Smirking underneath your mask you began to walk forward, following your team in front of you while keeping an eye on Mr serious Kennedy in front as he led everyone inside. The building was quite large as you walked in, already finding groups of people splitting off in twos or threes to explore the building these people were supposed to be hiding out in. You turn, making your way up the stairs where you last saw the man you wanted to pursue. But with a tap on your shoulder you turned, finding your teammate pointing over his shoulder to go his way so you could cover him from the back. 

Walking forward you kept your pace with your comrade in front, making sure you covered the way you came from as he continued forward. So far there were no gunshots heard throughout the house yet which meant 1. the people that were in here gave up 2. they have been found and are trying to convince your team to be let go 3. they weren't even here in the first place and this mission was a total waste of time. Which you were hoping for the third option so you could end your shift with the paper work from the mission and head home to your cozy apartment you yearned to be at.

"Do you think they found the guys we are looking for already or something is going on?" You asked out of curiosity, knowing your comrade probably thought the same way. If it was who you thought you were with you knew he would have a conversation anyway. It was hard to tell who was under the masks you all wore to be fair so you were hoping it was who you thought and not some quiet person under the mask.

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