{Chris Redfield x Reader} - Where Have you Been

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Movie/Game : N/A


The B.S.A.A was a group of highly trained cadets to fight off bio terrorism, mere ordinary people couldn't even make it in with the amount of training and endurance needed for the job. The best of the best were in the groups led by the organization and those people were known for being fierce and strong. You were among those people in one of the top squads they had, but yet even though you were trained to fight and to battle with the highest amount of training physically and mentally it wasn't even enough to help you once you got home every day from work.

Over all you could say you were a generally laid back person, easy going and nice to talk to. Being that you made friends quickly with people in your squad everyone was willing to talk to you and to befriend you with ease. Always saying it was nice talking to you and that they trusted you with the conversations they held. But behind that laid back person was someone that was small and didn't think that their opinion mattered very much anymore. This wasn't how you always acted no, this was something that slowly began to happen once you started to date someone you once knew from high school. This relationship wasn't going on for long no, maybe a little bit over a year. In your time training for the B.S.A.A he had reached out to you wanting to get into contact again since you both hadn't spoken to each other in a while. 

Of course you couldn't say no, but now you rather regret your decision very easily. After that time of hanging out with him it grew into you both dating and then from there a relationship bloomed sometime after that. Spending most of your time off of work with him when your schedules allowed it. This was something you had thought you had wanted for a while, wanting a relationship with someone where you could come home every day and see them. To have someone that greets you at the door and asks how your day went before giving you a hug. Someone to lay in bed with after a long day, cuddling in order to recuperate the lack of social energy once more. But that nice picture you painted in your mind faded very quickly once your boyfriend moved in with you shortly after becoming officially together.

It was subtle at first, the constant wanting to know where you had been once you got home if you had taken too long. Or wanting to see your phone for no reason if you were texting someone or a group of people. These were little things you noticed at first, not thinking anything of them at the time being. Deciding to ignore the red flags you should have paid more attention to. Your boyfriend wasn't the nicest to the people you hung out with either, making sure you knew that he mattered the most in your life. Even if your friends asked you about training for work or your good friend Chris requested to hang out with you in order to discuss further plans since you were his number two in the squad. But sadly your significant other didn't like this very much, he never liked Chris from the beginning when they first met and was from what it seemed like threatened by him for the most part. Countless times he has asked you what you were doing with Chris, why were you hanging around him so much. Consistently asking you if you thought he was better looking as he compared himself to someone you could call your best friend.

Trying to calm him down was a different story too, once he was aggravated enough you didn't know what to expect from him. Knowing you could easily take him down in a fight, yet the way he belittled you mentally it almost made you feel small compared to him. After that you learned to keep your mouth shut, even to your friends if they would ask if you were alright if you seemed out of it. Hiding the bruises on your wrists and arms, blaming your quietness on the fact you were tired. This was an ongoing cycle for a while up until Chris had had enough of you lying once he realized something was wrong just as it started.

This was what brought you to the time now as you rode in his car with him in the front seat, gazing out the window at the street as he drove you home. A small sigh escaped from your lips as you messed with the sleeve on his jacket. Remembering how he asked you to stay later with him at headquarters in order to go through the basics of a mission that was brought to his attention that would happen soon. You were nervous, not to be in the car with Chris no, he actually made you feel safe. Made you feel wanted and cared for whenever you hung around him. No you were nervous about heading home, realizing you had forgotten to text your significant other that you would be late to come back to the house. As you sat your knee was bouncing over and over as you neared your house.

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