{Karl Heisenberg x Reader} - Back Up Plan Pt 1

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 8

It has been a long time since you have felt...normal. Like nothing strange going on around you or about you. It all started 3 years ago at the Baker house. Your brother decided he needed your help finding Mia after he found some evidence that she could still be alive down in Louisiana. Getting a random message after three years of her being gone wasn't exactly strong evidence to you. But seeing him so distraught and upset by her disappearance you knew you couldn't let him down, for your brother you would do anything. 

Now saying "anything" probably wasn't your idea of getting tortured physically and mentally for what seemed like so long of time. Limbs getting chopped off and sliced. Being fed disgusting food forcefully and fighting off the family of the house to escape just to be attacked by Eveline even more. Just to get his wife back, now you didn't regret your decision to go with him. Not wanting your brother to go alone and possibly die out there if there was a chance you could save him. Mia was your family too, but traveling that far and undergoing that much just to save her took a toll on you. Especially the aftermath when you body finally didn't have an adrenaline rush. Or where you had to forget everything and move to Europe with your brother and his family because of how you were related in a bioterrorism incident. Did you think that three years of your life would be ruined because you decided to help a family member, no. Did you regret tagging along and having your body destroyed with this mold that you can never get rid of...a little. Although you could technically not get hurt that easily any more and you body was quick to regenerate, sometimes you did wish you were back to normal.

They had already been moving their stuff over and getting their house ready before you decided to make the move to Europe. Their family was just now beginning and well, you were trailing behind a bit on what to do with yourself. Thinking of taking the opportunity to continue you training with Chris and land a job with him. But settling down was something you yearned for after your life being in hell. 

A part of you just wasn't ready yet like they were to make the move and forget everyone around you. Your friends, your life, your schooling all would be gone and you would have to start fresh. Plus having some baggage to deal with in the states and some extra training from Chris in your spare time. But you finally decided to make the move and have Chris pay the rent to your apartment since you weren't quite ready for a house just yet. Things were moving smoothly and as everything was being set up, your brother finally had his kid brought into the world after sometime. You were a proud aunt hearing your brother talk about her over the phone and that the birth went well for them in the hospital. You knew from the beginning that he was going to be a good father. Even more excited to see them later on in the week after you were unpacked and ready to start your new life. 

A soft sigh escapes your lips as you lifted up another box of clothing to your room, in all honesty you new apartment was coming together quite nicely even though you have only put away a few boxes of your stuff. The box hit the floor by your closet with a thud, joining the other boxes that laid there since you were way too lazy to put them away so soon. As the back of your hand wiped away some sweat from your brow the sound of your door bell was being rung along with a few subtle knocks. With a roll of your eyes you made your way out of your bedroom and in to the main room. Thinking it was just Chris asking how settling in has been. Truth be told he was almost like a close family friend now, with rescuing you three back in Louisiana your bond with him seemed to grow as time went on. Taking extra self defense classes with him from time to time since you felt the need to keep yourself safe more often. Your hand reached forward, unlocking the dead bolt and the actual lock on the door, as it creaked open you found Mia standing there anxiously. A confused look must have been very apparent to see on your face as you stared at her.

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