{Steve Burnside x Reader} - Gunshot

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Movie/Game : Code Veronica


This night was filled with terrors beyond what you thought you could experience. Starting to regret coming along with your cousin Claire on a mission to find her brother that had gone missing. After she was done searching in Raccoon City she ended up calling you for a favor you knew you owed her. She wanted you to tag along with her in finding Chris as she was flying Paris where she found out an Umbrella lab was located. That she might have a lead there but she needed someone to come along with her as back up. When you heard her ask you if this you were glad she trusted you enough with helping find Chris. Taking the journey with her to Paris and ended up helping her break into the facility with ease because of your background in computer science and coding. But did you think you were going to get caught no, let alone sent to an island for your crimes afterward.

The ride there was brutal, not to mention you had no idea what was going on around you. You just sat there quietly as you tried to figure out what was going on around you. Thinking of the best way to escape this situation since you had nothing to do with what these people were going on about. Why couldn't they just understand you were there just to tag along as back up, that you had no idea what Umbrella was up to at all. Now did you think once you arrived at the island that it would be filled with flesh eating freaks no. After your arrival there at the island with your cousin it almost seemed like it was timed perfectly. An attack on the island with a man made virus that did so many things to the human body. Watching as dead bodies rose up once more to hurt ones that were still kicking. What surprised you more was the fact that she acted as if it was nothing. Leaving you scared out of your mind as you fought off the monsters that roamed the previously known prison yards that you had just arrived in.

You could say the one good thing that has happened to you all night was meeting Steve earlier on. The man that just appeared out of nowhere as you and Claire searched the prison yards to get somewhere. You on the other hand are trying to figure out how you could escape this place finally and try to return home. He seemed frightened by you or well Claire aiming her gun at him in the beginning. But once he tagged along on your mission you kinda liked him. It wasn't the fact that he was only 2 years younger than you no. It was a combination of his looks and his sense of humor as he fought through the un-dead beside you. While Claire tried to figure out what was going on on the computer you too started to hit it off. Relaxing before returning out into the mess of the world that was out there. He seemed to like talking to you, easing the uneasy atmosphere even though you were supposed to be serious about everything. It wasn't just everyday where you mashed well with someone else on the spot.

Although Claire seemed unamused by his behavior you found him quite charming. Learning quickly he had your back in this mess you were all stuck in. Even through following that girl into this mansion he is still stuck by your side. Even if it was because it was his best bet off the island. But you felt you both has a common understanding besides that. The mansion was huge as the walls hung fine art you never would have seen before if it weren't for it being here. It seemed empty besides the dead bodies laying on the floor in the main room. The spilled blood from them ruined the flooring over all but that wasn't the point.

"Is this that woman's house?" Steve's voice seemed to echo as he walked further down the steps. On edge about what was going on around him, he had no idea what was going on. That girl was on his mind, he had never seen her before in his time being here. Leading him to think she could have come earlier, but why was she singing and wearing that get up. He couldn't think straight, glancing over toward you as you watched your step around the dead bodies that lay against the floor. Ready in case they were to sit up and start attacking you all.

"Not sure, it's one hell of a house though"

"Your guess is as good as mine, but being that there is a huge picture of her in here...Maybe it is her place after all" You replied, knowing that huge picture had to be connected to that girl outside. It looked exactly like her, dress and all. Maybe you were just losing your mind to this place but that had to be her. You glanced around, holding your gun firmly in your grasp as you gazed at the ceiling. Yet all of your time looking around was interrupted by the sound of a loud bang coming from somewhere. You held your gun out in front of you, your shoulder slightly touching Steve's from where you had moved to get a better look of the picture up above on the next floor. With a quick glance you noticed his protective glare as he took a step in front of you. Smiling slightly as you blushed, you knew you could take care of yourself but this feeling of knowing he wanted to protect you filled you with butterflies in your stomach.

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