{Jake Muller x Reader} - Knife Toss and Take Cover

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 6


Edonia, one of the coldest possible places you have probably ever fought in while being one of the newer recruits of the B.S.A.A. You weren't the newest branch of members but you have only been a part of the agency for only 3 or so years so you were still new to some things here and there. This area of the world is one of them, especially when you had to fight B.O.W.S that came out of nowhere and started to attack your squad. A new variety of monsters that came from the shadows. Larger, quicker opponents, some with guns, others with wings or stronger arms. The goal was to contain these monsters that raised havoc among the people in the cold country during the Edonian Civil War. You were called in on helicopters and were signaled to either terminate or capture the beings for further testing. The capturing part was way harder then it looked over all so you just shot your rifle and hoped for the best at that point in time.

The cold air brushed against your face as you walked slowly forward to find some type of cover around you. Your cheeks burned as they were the only part of your face not covered by the cold. It was freezing out here, the snow piling on itself as it flurried from the sky. As the flakes fell you found it harder to see out here, relying on either your teammates for guidance or when you would occasionally find a higher advantage for your scope. The hours were rough as soon as you landed here, finding it harder to move on from each obstacle in your path. From the smaller enemies that could barely hold a gun, to huge B.O.W.S that could merely crush you with one stomp of their foot. Countless rounds were shot, explosives went off and bridges burned to the ground to make an escape. It almost felt as if what you were doing here wasn't making a difference at all. The more you moved on, the more things seemed to stand in your way. Leading you on an endless chase for something ahead that kept being pulled in the opposite direction.

A small sigh of relief escaped your lips as you turned the corner, leaving the bridge behind you and your group to enter a new area of the village not explored yet. You held your gun up high, finger resting on the trigger in case something were to happen. You weren't going to take your chances in a calm area, no you knew something was just bound to be waiting for you and your squad on the other side. You gazed forward, managing to switch your gaze from your teammates to the area around you in seconds. The light from the end of the tunnel shined through the gray skies. Once you thought you had nothing more to deal with you suddenly heard a female voice coming from the road. 

"Sherry Birkin, National Security!" She called out, a taller male figure followed behind her. His gaze was on all of you, seeming suspicious as he glared at a few of your members as if he were cranky and unhappy to be there. Possibly dragged around by the smaller female in front of you, she held her badge up in the air as you held your gun up still. Soon to remove your face from your scope once you found your captain lowering his weapon and took a few steps forward.

"Sherry Birkin? You were in Raccoon City" Chris asked politely, shocking you as to how he knew of this mystery girl and her lackey. You held your gun up still, now walking toward the man in question that crossed his arms tightly over his chest. He seemed to take notice of you, how tense you were and how strong willed you seemed to be as you held your weapon tightly in your grasp. He knew you wouldn't go down without a fight, if something were to happen and he were screwed you were probably the first to send a bullet at him.

"How did you know that?"


"Wait are you Chris?"

"My sister has told me all about you" Chris replied with a smile, bonding with the girl that just seemed to walk closer and closer as if she wanted to hug your captain as he stood there with his back straight. Attempting to keep a business relationship with this so called Sherry even though it seemed he wanted to have a chat with her as if they knew each other for years.

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