{Ethan Winters x Reader} - The Outsider's Guide

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 8

The village is a place you have grown up in all your life being that your parents grew up here too under Mother Miranda. It is calm here you could say, the people of the village got along well together. Helping the younger kids grow up to be strong adults and a part of the community as expected of them. You were raised as a strong asset to your family. Taking after your fathers interests in hunting, you were good with a gun and good with survival skills. As well as knowing your medicines and herbs like your mom had taught you.

Even though you had a happy life here it always seemed like the village would only be grateful to the villagers only. Life here was one no outsider could possibly grow to be a part of though from what you have noticed. People that accidentally come by are either scared off or welcomed and are never seen again. You were starting to realize what was going on around you once you started to grow up. The people that would come by were nice and kind and yet they were treated badly in some ways you couldn't wrap your head around. You thought it was just them, but once you started to notice people disappearing from the village you knew it wasn't just the strangers that came once in a while to the land on accident. 

Things started to pick up pace with the community, families were starting to worry as attacks would happen in the woods. People and livestock were disappearing and several blood puddles were found going to certain areas of the village. The four lords areas in some cases which weren't supposed to be explored by the common person. As time passed by the area was starting to become hectic, people were gone, attacks were happening from the lycans that never roamed the village until now. Mother Miranda didn't help anyone at all just like they prayed for her to do. But that wasn't your breaking point. It was as if her and her four lords or her "Children" didn't care about the common folk. The lies, the tears, the dead bodies and scraps found everywhere, the fact that you couldn't leave your house without being scared it wasn't the breaking point. What was your breaking point was watching your parents be killed by Lycans one day as you were trying to find food scraps in houses and mother Miranda walked away back to one of the lords castles. You tried killing the lycans, only being able to kill one but your parents were already long gone. Their blood coasted the ground as they were dragged off, what was left of them anyway.

At that point 3 weeks ago you had given up on this place you used to call home. Everything was falling apart around you and the village was to the point where barely anyone was left once Mother Miranda made her leave on urgent business. You were here, left alone in your empty house, lonely and abandoned with only your gun to protect you and the ammo you got from the duke here and there.

You stomped through the snow that filled the towns grounds, gun in hand with your cloak covering your body so you could hide easier. Learning when to leave during the day and which areas were hunting grounds for the monsters that fed on human flesh so often. You were on your way to visit the duke for some more supplies to get you through the next week. Ammo and food, gun parts and herbs, the essentials that could help you survive. With his good deals and partnership with you of course, if you hadn't provided him with deer meat and wood he would have turned a blind eye at how much you were asking for.

Yet as you were walking across the field you saw something out of the corner of your eye. Frightened at first that it could be a lycan stalking you at this time of day. But once you got a closer look you stood in shock. A man, average build and looked to be tired, beat up and bloody. You turned, holding your gun in your grasp as you watched him, he was an outsider, someone you haven't seen in months. But he seemed different to you, oddly focused as he walked as if he was set out to do something. As you watched him stumble across the path you were about to call out to him until your eyes matched with the ones that were watching him like he was prey. You ran forward, firing your gun at the beast that stalked him. Watching as he turned and found you running toward him, he had his gun up to fire at you but turned his head once he realized you were focusing behind him.

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