{Chris Redfield x Reader} - Nicknames

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Movie/Game : N/A


Being a member in the S.T.A.R.S squad came with a lot of things that you weren't really surprised about when joining originally. Of course your friendships with the members were strong and would continue to grow stronger as time went on for the most part. But what you misunderstood was how much the group would truly goof off on the job as it was so serious what you all had to do in your day to day lives.

Originally you thought going into this job that everyone would keep to themselves, this job was one that few were able to be a part of and had to prove themselves when the time was right. It was serious what you all had to handle and each of you had a specific job to handle on missions you were sent on so cooperation was key. 

Yet in time to you warming up to your friends it was as if your original thought process had changed completely in a matter of a week or two. But it was in the best way possible things could change in your mind over all. It was a blast hanging out with the people you worked with on and off the clock. Yes your missions were taken in a serious tone, making sure everything was taken care of in the most professional way possible. But outside of that, if everyone was at the building or out to grab some coffee or a bite to eat it was definitely the complete opposite. There were running jokes within your friends, dart boards strung up by the desks in the area of the police station you were given. Card games on break and great times going on coffee runs or food runs for the group. There was never a dull moment with your new found family and you weren't afraid to have a good time with your friends. That was what made the job that much more awesome to you in the long run.

As time went by it seemed like you noticed what different group members would do in your day to day routine. What their preferences were with drinks and food as well as jokes and if they could truly take what they could dish out among the other members. Maybe it was just being observant on your part but it was comical to you when you knew you could push some members past their limits where others you shouldn't overstep your boundaries to begin with. Which was what you were doing now as a matter of fact to one of your best friends and your crush in your work space currently. The brunette had caught your eye in the beginning days of your job here and continued to do so as time went on. Safely considering him as one of your closest friends you've made here which also led to you a deeper attraction for him as time continued.

Nonetheless he was one of your favorite people to hang out with in the work place. His laid back nature and smart ass remarks here and there always made it more fun to joke around with him. He always seemed to love teasing you whenever you would mess around with him on break. Placing bets on dart games and choosing to head out together on coffee runs during the week as well as going out for drinks when you both were free. It was as if you clung to him like a magnet sometimes if the group went out to a bar after work. Always seeming to be by his side at least 80 percent of the time. He made you feel safe and cared for, which was another reason why your heart ached for him after all this time.

Even though you both were known to torment each other, this day was particularly the worst you have done so far you could say. It started off small after you had a conversation with Jill earlier in the week on a coffee run in the morning. Since you were close you shared everything with her, Jill being the one to actually show you the job application to even join S.T.A.R.S in the first place. So it was normal for you two to share a lot of things, one thing she brought up on that day was the fact that Chris hated nicknames or rather people using them without his say so. Jill recalled a time where she called him Christopher and it was as if he physically cringed to the name. Of course the brunette found it hilarious and thought you should know, wanting to report her findings to anyone she could after finding out your dear friend wasn't used to any other name he could be called besides Chris and Redfield. This was amazing to you after hearing her say those words on your trip further into town. Knowing the information would be used to your benefit and his downfall soon enough.

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