{Jill Valentine x Reader} - Not the Same

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil Dead Island


The time was starting to reach late in the evening, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the B.S.A.A headquarters. Closing time was right around the corner for most of the workers there that worked on a regular time frame there. Yet a few decided to stick around longer past when they normally would. Carrying conversations with others, planning out recon missions, researching possible threats, or training whenever they felt like it. 

The main members always liked to stick around as if it were nostalgic to previous times. The captains of squads talking about future plans and such and how they would go about certain missions coming up. Or could simply be socializing since it was past work hours it was hard to tell. Sharing drinks and intel around the table until night time reached its limit as the early morning sprung on the clocks inside that no one really seemed to pay attention to. But this wasn't why you were staying so late here, no you found yourself drawn to stay for a completely different reason than just socializing for fun. 

The rhythmic sound of gunfire echoed in the empty space of the shooting range. Over and over shots were fired one after another, their casings hitting the floor with a satisfying sound as the smell of gun powder infiltrated your nose from where you stood. Your gun was put away already, there at your side with the clip removed as it laid against your holster perfectly. You stood there, your arms crossed over your chest as you watched someone else have a go in one of the slots with the targets that seemed to be brutally filled with bullet holes. She stood with her stance straight, her hands holding her gun firmly as she shot over and over again. Jill Valentine stood at the far end of the range, her back almost turned to you as she methodically fired round after round into her target board. Several shots landed and embedded into the head of her target until she moved on to the chest. 

Even though she was so focused she seemed so angry as she continued to fire her gun. As if something was bothering her, messing with her thoughts as she continued to try and silence them with the sounds of the gunshots from her weapon. It was a stark contrast to the vibrant and lively woman you once knew years before as your past with her was quite different.

She was the person you could have easily called your soulmate back then, back when you both were merely working for S.T.A.R.S on Alpha team when everything first started and seemed so nice. You were so lively in your new relationship with your best friend and now girlfriend as you worked side by side with her. She just made everything seem better when you were around her, work didn't seem so long with her as you would train for so long and then take her out for dinner after the day at the police station was over. Holding her close as you would walk on the sidewalk, discussing random topics that you never seemed to get bored of as they would change so sporadically. She was so kind and caring, making sure you were appreciated with the little things you would do for her as dates were planned. 

Even in your time at the mansion, discovering the uncovered secrets of the virus that took over the undead, uncovering the fact that Wesker betrayed you all for money in the company that could destroy millions of lives. You stood by her side through everything that happened, making sure she was protected and safe as you fought your way through the dead infested mansion to find your friends. Knowing as long as you were with her nothing was going to get passed you and nothing would harm you either as you had her back and she had yours.

Keeping that in mind as things passed, you felt you were unstoppable alongside your friends. Leaving S.T.A.R.S behind in order to go on a new path in life with the B.S.A.A. Everything seemed okay, getting leads on cases going on in order to stop bioterrorism just like you wanted. Reaching higher in the ranks as time went by while you worked. Things were working out fine up until you lost her that day you found Wesker's location finally after all that time of not knowing where he was. You lost your one and only, the only girl you could truly be yourself with, the only person that could keep you going. She was gone and in a way you felt a part of yourself went with her that day you watched her fall to her "death". Not knowing the pain and anguish she went through in the care of Wesker in the time you thought she was gone.

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