{Billy Coen x Reader} - More S.T.A.R.S

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 0


This mission was supposed to not take so long, you were hoping to be back in your apartment by sunrise, with breakfast at the table and a show on the television to just relax and watch. But that was just you being a glass half full type person for the time being. That quickly changed as you disbanded from your group to search for this convict that was more than likely long gone from this place a long time ago. The decay rate of those bodies in the car that crashed seemed to be hours ago when it started to it was as if your captain just sent you on a wild goose chase for someone that isn't even here. You were alone, in the woods at who knows what time at night with creatures you could never imagine seeing before now. Growling was heard around you as you continued on your journey, in between each step you could hear the distant bushes shaking as the wind howled from the harsh weather that was coming in. Rain drops begin to fall at a faster rate than before. The smell of rain was potent, not alarming you for the coming storm that was about to take place. You turned, keeping your attention around you as you held your flashlight out, trying to prepare for anything that was to come your way.

Out of your team you would say you had more training than others, being in the military for a bit before entering the force now. You didn't deal with anyone's shit which was why you had gotten your rank in the first place. Climbing the ladder up to almost a captain's position already in your time of working for them.  Yet even though you had this training you still had a bad feeling about this situation that was going to happen. Call it a sixth sense if you will, as if you could already make a prediction as to what was to come your way in the next few hours and it wasn't going to be good either. Turning on your heel your flashlight shined against the tree line, and an odd shape was coming into view as it sat in the middle of an opening. Walking closer you began to realize what it was, an old train sitting on the tracks with its lights still on. You couldn't make out the majority of it but you knew it had to have at least 5 or more train cars attached.

"Just my luck, a hunk of metal with it's lights still on. Either the train is new and broke down or I'm seeing things. Maybe some of the group found it and turned the lights back on for some shelter. Probably had the same idea of not wanting to be stuck in the rain all night long." You muttered to yourself as you paced yourself to make your way over to the train that caught your eye. Yet as you took one more step the bushes shook behind you as the sound of growling suddenly got louder. Glancing over your shoulder you tried to make out what it was, your eyes widening at the sight of a rabid looking dog snarling at you as its head peaked out from the bushes. Blood dripped from its mouth and cold dead eyes as he stood there, seeming to foam out the mouth as it growled.

"You've got to be kidding me....what the hell is that thing" You whispered as you took a step back, your gun out and ready as you slowly crept your way to the train with your eyes on the beast that watched you like you were its next meal. You didn't know what to do, never seeing anything like this before. Sure you have seen your fair share of rabies in animals, some cases with humans too. But this dog-like thing looked as if it had come back to life, dead in the eyes as its skin was chewed off and hanging. Its ear was missing as well as part of its jaw, if you hadn't known any better you would think it would have gotten ran over. But looking like that there was no way it could be standing let alone growling at you as it stepped out of the bushes.

As you took a few steps back it seemed to take one as it's body slowly appeared from the bush it had come from. But to your dismay as you slowly moved back another head popped out from the bush. Now you knew you were out numbered, only half the way to the train now and with two dogs that could probably beat you to it. Your pace quickened but not enough so you wouldn't alert the dogs that paced their steps. Leaving a blood trail behind them as they walked.

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