{Karl Heisenberg x Reader} - Cadou Experiment

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Movie/Game : N/A

A soft yawn escaped your lips as you laid in your bed, stretching your arms out to hear a successful pop of your joints. As you began to sit up in your bed your ears heard the sound of the door creaking open slightly. Smiling to yourself as you found the metal man of the hour you grew to love as time went on. Back at home you worked with metal in order to provide for your parents who sat back and did nothing. Abuse mentally and physically was all they did as you worked and gave your metal work to Duke who paid you just enough to get by. Lucky that Heisenberg seemed to pass by the day he offered you to come to his factory. Offering a job and a place to live under his roof. 

It was the best offer you have ever taken and never regretted your decision since. He was a good so called roommate, at the beginning adjusting to having company around. He used to be quiet and cold, just giving you jobs and letting you fend for yourself. Yet as time went on your relationship grew and grew, enjoying being around each other in the factory and even searched for each other when the other was bored or needed a break. You knew he wouldn't admit it but he enjoyed having you around, and so did you. Never thinking you would be living underneath a Lord's roof like this in such good care.

"Ah your up, I'm very surprised since you sleep in way later then you should be"

"You should talk metal man, staying up without any sleep constantly. And you think I slept in" You scoffed, trying to seem offended by his morning greeting even though he knew you could never be mad. His footsteps were heavy as he walked along your floor and to your bed side. Handing you your mug with fresh coffee that you had gotten addicted to drinking while working late nights. You hummed as thanks as your brought your mug up to your lips, sipping the warm coffee that was cooked just right. Surprising you since Heisenberg always seemed to burn down the kitchen when he wanted to make something. Looks like you cooking lessons came in handy with the progress he has made not destroying anything in there recently. He smiled as he watched you dance slightly in joy, loving seeing you like this since he was never a morning person to be fair.

"I think I'm going to head in to town today"

"Oh? what for, Duke usually stops by in his carriage every couple weeks" Heisenberg asked as he walked to your window that gazed out among the lights of the factory on the top floor. Taking another sip you sat your mug down, throwing your blankets off of you to stand up. Your legs weak with sleep as you through them over your bed side, your hands against your lower back as you stretched your body yet again. Carefully you held on to your mug once more, at his side as he stood with his arms crossed. Hesitantly you laid your head upon his shoulder, knowing his rule of boundaries was gone at this point.

"I wanted to stop by town in order to grab some new equipment Duke promised me. And to grab some groceries for us since we are down to a few things left to eat here.

"There's always leftovers"

"Better safe then sorry, don't worry about me okay. I'll wear my cloak so no one will notice me coming from the factory like you request. It's a simple trip and i'll be right back to cook you lunch okay. After all it is 12" You replied with a warm smile, hearing his sigh of protest since he didn't want you to leave. He knew you were strong and were getting better at fighting, but he still had anxiety about you leaving. The endless possibilities of things happening to you even though some could happen here too. 

"Alright, just come back in one piece and don't use all of the Lei will you. I need to pay Duke a little extra when he comes around for some new stock I think would be of good use to some of my new builds" Heisenberg said as he ruffled up your tangled hair before turning on his heel to make his way back to the door. Leaving you to drink your morning coffee in peace and to get ready to leave on your trip.

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