{Piers Nivans x Reader} - Close Call

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Movie/Game : N/A

You were a simple army soldier that followed orders just not to get killed out in battle. Years of being in the military because of your father's request since you had no ambition in your life after you graduated high school. 

Even after he died you still stuck to this line of work, not understanding why you didn't just walk away from it all sooner. A 25 year old with a life a head of you and you chose to stand by and protect your outpost like the obedient little solider you were. In all fairness you didn't even know what you were doing with your life. Day in and day out you just waited for something to happen, something different to pop in to your life besides what gun you were going to use during training.

That was until some guys you had never seen before walked through the main gates. Armed and dressed similar to you yet for a different agency, some carrying briefcases as a main trooper led the way. He asked for your name, determined to find you among the many people stationed here. 

At first you were terrified, worried you had done something wrong or something came up. Yet he stopped right in front of you, a smirk on his face as he held out his hand in an orderly fashion. His right hand man that stood tall beside him eyeing you up and down in awe almost. As you returned the glance he gave you, you noticed the blush starting to form on his cheeks. You couldn't help but notice him state at you as if he has never seen a woman before. Yet even though the sight made you giggle it brought some feeling of heat coming to your cheeks as you looked away to hide some of your embarrassment. Soon your attention is back on the main guy that seemed to have something to say to you.

His name was Chris Redfield and his partner next to him Piers Nivans as he introduced himself and his cute friend. Two people apart of this organization known as the B.S.A.A from what he had began to tell you. Followed with the request of your presence to become a part of the B.S.A.A because someone with your skill set was needed and they thought you were perfect for the job after they researched possible candidates. Chris went on to explain what the B.S.A.A stood for and their jobs and missions they went on. Saying you seemed like the perfect fit for the job based on your profile and your rank. You were determined and fast, not saying you were the best by any means in your field of work. But you could put someone in their place with ease and that was what got you this far in your line of work in the first place. 

At first you stared at them blankly, taking in all the information they spoke to you about. It was as if you couldn't speak, this was a life changing decision that anyone could have gotten and you were who they were looking at for the job. You pointed at yourself, making sure they didn't have a mistake in this somehow. All you got was a simple laugh and a nod of his head, his hand rested on your shoulder as a smile spread across his cheeks. He made it clear to you again that you were who they were looking for and would be glad to have you a part of the team. It took you some time to think about it, debating on if this was the right path for you to go down when you had a perfect job at the moment and were working your way up among the ranks. Though you basically had no family to go back to after you were down with the area you were stationed at, you had nothing waiting for you on the other side of this. So there was basically nothing to lose either way if you had joined or not.

After a while of taking everything in, including your team's waiting eyes on you, you took the opportunity and said yes to them. Soon being guided on board their helicopters after you grabbed your things from your room. Watching as your base slowly disappeared in the distance as you flew off with these new people you barely had any clue about.

Years have gone by since then and you would have never changed anything about this path you decided to go down. Friends and your new found family were made as the years went by. People you could trust your life with made sure you were okay as you trained and got back from missions. You felt as though this was the right path to go down with no consequences or any serious ones for that matter. You felt as though you could truly be yourself and felt like this was something you began to live to do.

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