{Jill Valentine x Reader} - Funeral

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Movie/Game : N/A


A soft sigh escaped your lips as you stared off into space for just a moment in time. It was hard to process what was going on around you. Starting from the call you got from Chris, frantically telling you that Jill was dead. You could hear his voice cracking frequently as he spoke, attempting to hold back tears and anger that laced his words. That he had lost her and she took Albert out with her as she jumped out the window and took her own life to save his. From that moment in time you have been quite absent minded as you could say. Staring off into space a bit more and not answering as much as you should. You barely ate or slept without thinking of how things used to be. Staring at a picture of you, her and Chris from when you were still in S.T.A.R.S years ago. Jill was like family, a sister and in some ways a love interest that you could always run to in your time of need. She seemed to always be there, always having you back whenever you needed someone to be there. Hearing that call and running his words over and over again in your mind made you go numb. The person you spent so much time with in the force was taken away from you and you didn't know how to act. 

Days went by, everyone was grieving in their own ways. Planning the funeral for her was the next step in the process and well that just made the situation even more painful then it had to. It was funny to you in a way, knowing you always thought you would have passed away before her and Chris with how dangerous you were. How you lived life on the edge and was always first into crime scenes and battles. Yet the person that always pulled you and Chris away from danger was now gone. The person that cared so much about you two and your safety was taken from this world just doing that. Your eyes stared blankly as the priest read aloud some lines from the bible. You stood stiff as a board, Chris standing right next to you acting the same. You knew he was going through this horribly and wasn't speaking a word about it. He had a bad habit of not speaking about his feelings or what was bothering him. But you felt in a way he was trying to hold back so you didn't have to worry about him too.

Once her casket started to be lowered you came back from your thoughts startled by the sound of it lowering. Your hands began to shake as you stood there, not sure what to do or what to say. You got to say your last words to the closed casket earlier on so why were you choking up this badly. An image of her flashed through your head, how she would smile and laugh. Dragging you and Chris along on coffee breaks so you could escape from work. How you were so care free together every time you managed to relax a little. A tear started to fall from your eye as you thought about her, about your conversations by the elevator or your trips to the gun range. How you would tease and bicker yet still make it out okay the next day. She would bring you coffee just the way you liked it in the morning, making sure you were ready to go on missions since you tended to forget at least something.

Another tear fell, falling from your sunglasses you wore to hide your bloodshot eyes from how much you sobbed and the lack of sleep catching up to you. The droplets fell slowly down your cheeks and down your jaw line. Creating a path for more to follow as you begin to shake. She was all you could think about, her personality, her smile, her eyes when she would be excited. The nights where you would reunite with her after a mission, the once you went on where you weren't sure if you would make it out alive. She seemed to always know what to say at the right time and managed to bring you back out of your overthinking mind. Your fists began to clench in anger, another tear fell and then another. Over and over again as you watched the empty casket get lowered into the ground and the dirt and mud poured over her to be forgotten. She deserved a proper burial, she deserved to be found and to be buried for what she did. She took her own life to end the mission, to end the man that they had been hunting for for years, to save Chris that would have been another victim of Wesker's might and mutation. She should be remembered as a hero for what she did and you would make sure she remembered that.

People started to leave one by one, footsteps echoed in the burial ground as cars began to start and exit the grounds you stood on to solemnly. You begin to quiver as you take a few steps forward, not caring about the newly buried casket, not caring about the mud and the dirt that was just laid. You just stood there, falling to your knees in defeat as you wept. 

"Jill....I'm so sorry Jill....my...valentine...I'm so sorry" You began to mutter, blaming this all on yourself as you stared at your open palms. Not sure what to even do now with your life, she was your everything. She was a reason you got up in the morning, if it wasn't for her you would have never made it this far in life. If it wasn't for Chris you would have never met her at all. You heard heavy footsteps come from behind you. His body crouched down next to you, silent and cold. He stared at her grave, out of the corner of your eye you watched as a tear fell from his eye.

"I'm so sorry Y/n.....It should have been me to go. I should have made that clear"

"Don't blame yourself Chris" You interrupted him, not wanting to hear his guilt and his sadness. He lost his partner, but you lost the love of your life that night and would never get her back again.

"It isn't your fault so just shut up about it Chris....I'm not mad at you and never was I, I'm frustrated....furious that I wasn't there and I wasn't able to help her when she needed it. If I would have been there then there would have been a chance that she wouldn't have jumped. I could have been the one to fall."

"Y/n don't say that-"

"She had so much going for her Chris....a whole life ahead of her. How strong and determined she was she would have gone so far and Wesker took that away from her....That fucking bastard....I swear on my life I'm going to find his remains where ever he is and I'm going to fucking burn them" You muttered under your breath, your anger was getting to you as you thought of his smirk. The way he must have thought it would have been funny Jill pushing him out of the building like that. Considering us pawns in his game he liked playing so. You felt Chris press his hand to your back. Pulling you into a well needed hug, you just sat there. Not moving your arms, barely taking in even one breath. Tears started to form in your eyes as you felt yourself shake and quiver. Whimpering in devastation and despair, your arms wrapped around him tightly as if you would never let go. You didn't want to leave him, you needed someone to make you believe everything was going to be alright.

As you held on to him he tried to calm you down, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he held on to you and didn't seem to want to let go either as his hand rubbed circles into your back. You couldn't be selfish at a time like this, forgetting he was hurting just as much as you. He knew how you felt, he could read you like a book and knew what was hurting you inside and out.

"We will find his remains and give him what he deserves okay?"


"We're going to be okay Y/n, I promise you that. Things will turn out okay it will just take time, and during that time I am here for you always alright. Whatever you need, I'm here"

"Thank you Chris...I really appreciate it"

"I'm always here for you Y/n....don't ever doubt that...Now come on, let's go get you something to eat yeah. I know you haven't had an appetite the past few days."


"Come on now, Could you at least show me the courtesy of that place you always liked eating at for lunch. I'm starving"

"Whatever you big lug" You replied as you stood up with his help, smiling as he dropped his jacket on your shoulders. Walking with you to his car he came into the funeral with. A small sigh escaped your lips, you knew he was trying to cheer you up. You knew he was just trying to think of something to take your mind off of things which was probably for the better. But you knew you couldn't get over her so easily, she always had a permanent place in your mind and she would stay there. You smiled slightly as you sat in his car, sliding the seat beat over to the buckle. She would want you to carry on wouldn't she, she was your everything and in return wanted you to have the world as you wanted her to have the same. You needed to do this for her, it's what's best right?

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