{Chris Redfield x Reader} - Forget Your Sorrows With Me

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 6


The glass of liquor swirled around and around in your hand as you watched the brown liquid form a spiral inside. Your cheek was pressed against your fist as your elbow rested against the counter you had sat at for at least an hour or so at best. The glass was half empty as you watched it swirl around over and over again. Your cheeks were puffy and red from crying so much these past few hours, never forgetting what had happened even though you probably couldn't ever in your life.

The team you lead, the team you could count on, the team you spent so much time with had passed on in the fight you fought in China. Each one had their own lives, families, children. Each one left those things behind in order to help with the fight. To protect humanity from the evil that was hiding within, the evil that wanted to plague humanity whichever way it could. They all looked to you for guidance, for aid and for leadership. You thought you could lead them all, to victory and to finally rid the city of the virus that plagued all. Yet the more you watched their bodies fall to the mist that was released you couldn't help but feel hopeless. Each one of your team, trying to protect the rest while fighting off those blood thirsty beasts that were shot down instantly. Each one had their own death in different ways, whether they be taken by the monsters you tried to fight. Were dragged back into the mist that infected them into the enemy or were killed from rubble from the buildings collapsing. Little by little your squad got smaller and smaller as you watched them be taken from life. Leaving only you to survive left in the catastrophe that was left to be cleaned up.

A sigh escaped your throat that burned the liquid in your glass, ordering another soon after your drink had disappeared. Smiling as you felt a tear slip down your cheeks, wishing you couldn't cry anymore. Surprised you had any tears left in the tank, once the mission was finished you just collapsed as everything caught up to you. Another drink was set down in front of you, your shaky hand grasped the glass as if it were a life line. The hand that held your head up slowly ran through your hair. Your open palm now rested against your scalp.

"Could I have a glass of whiskey please, thank you" Your head perked up suddenly where you had sat. Hearing the familiar voice appear beside you as if you were so stuck in thought you hadn't heard the bell ring at the front of the bar behind you. The sound of the chair moved beside you, you could see out of the corner of your eye the brunette you hadn't seen since before the mission started in China. The man that hadn't truly been himself in the past 6 months that just now decided to come back and remember everything in little pieces.

"I was wondering where you had went, people at the agency said you had been gone for a few hours now without even a note saying where you had went...You do realize you should be resting and being treated for your wounds right?" His voice sounded almost hoarse as he spoke, reminding you of the wrap on your ribs when he mentioned being treated. It didn't matter if you were injured, nothing mattered to you now. You could care less about your cracked ribs and large gash upon your side. The bullet you took in your shoulder would be ignored too, it wasn't like they were causing you pain currently. A numb feeling surrounded you almost as if you ignored your body's needs for your own selfish ones.

"Doesn't matter to me if I'm injured, the wounds are wrapped so I'm sure they are fine"

"You still need rest though, you seem exhausted" He replied as his hand moved on its own, touching your shoulder blade to grab your attention as you attempted to avert your gaze from him as long as you possibly could. Your hand slowly removed itself from your head as you sat up straighter than you were. Gazing over to him in curiosity as to why he wasn't leaving you alone. A sudden glare appeared on your face from the thought, not wanting to be messed with or even talked to for that matter right now. His features were soft as he stared at you, he looked tired himself as he sat there. A small cut along his cheek stood out to you as well as the bandage on his hand. Why would he come all this way if he was exhausted and injured as well.  

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