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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 0


Splitting up wasn't a good idea in your head to begin with once you made it on to the train you now walked. Your partner Rebecca came up with the idea, explaining that there was more train compartments that needed to be searched and with the state of the people left behind we needed to find out what had happened. Your first thought was this was out of your pay range, walking dead people that tried to eat your flesh who would have thought. Your second idea in your head was why the hell she would think that would have been a way better idea when those things could literally kill you. They were walking dead people, what was going through her head? You explained to her you thought it was a bad idea her taking one side of the train and you taking the other. Not knowing what was waiting for you behind those doors just that it couldn't be good. But no matter, she was stuck on the idea and you couldn't persuade her any further.

That's what brought you to where you were now in time, a train compartment down from where you were. Sinking shots into these monsters heads as they rose from their seats or the ground they laid upon. They were disgusting, blood dripping from their mouths as their flesh reeked as if it had been decomposing for days on end. The smell wouldn't go away but at least the possibility of your life being taken away by one of these things would.

"This place fucking reeks, what the hell happened here anyway. Looks like a lab experiment went wrong, could be a new chemical weapon released and this was to test what it could do." You muttered as you stepped over one of the bodies that fell to the floor, making sure your boot wouldn't touch the maroon colored blood that riddled the floor after the monster fell. It seemed as though the ones near you were finally finished off, leaving you to finally catch your breath for a second before moving on to the next train compartment if you could open it. Yet to your surprise as you took another step forward the sound of the train door opening behind you stopped you dead in your tracks. Heavy footsteps entered that sounded nothing like your partners. You turned, your gun out and ready to fire at whatever had walked in. Hoping it wasn't another one of those undead freaks since you knew you had to reload your clip of ammo soon. Yet instead of another one of those monsters there stood a tall man, a tattoo climbed up his arm as a pair of handcuffs decorated the other. He was tense as he stared at you, his gun pointing straight toward you. He was the man on the report back there wasn't he, you hadn't got the chance to look since it was taken away by your captain.

"It must be my lucky day, another officer on this train who would have thought that was going to happen"

"Must be, guessing you met my partner already?"

"Yeah, she didn't have the guts to shoot me unfortunately when we met a train cart or two down from this one. But like I told her it seems your kind doesn't want me around too much so I've over welcomed my stay a bit too long" He replied, lowering his gun surprisingly. You watched him, he seemed to have no intent to hurt you which seemed odd. Slowly you lowered your weapon, deciding you didn't have time for him either. The man intrigued you yes, the way he seemed so calm and collected even though this train was overrun with unimaginable monsters.

"In my presence I wouldn't say you aren't wanted Coen, there are bigger things going on around us starting with these freaks on the floor. So I don't care if my captains orders are to capture you and put you under arrest once more. For all I care it's fend for yourself in this place and I need to find out what the hell is going on. So your arrest isn't my top priority like it is to everyone else" You replied with the shake of your hand as you turned on your heel to continue on with your search of this place. You needed to keep moving, this guy distracting you was no good especially since you wanted to stay. There was something about him, you couldn't decide if it was the way he was looking you up and down or if it was the way he carried himself. He was fit and tall, just all around attractive to you. But you couldn't think that could you, you couldn't be thinking that when he is technically supposed to be arrested by you?

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