{Carlos Oliveira x Reader} - Helicopter Ride Out

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 3


You felt like you haven't seen moonlight in hours yet at the moment it was the wrong time to be amazed by its light that shined through the rooftop entrance you were supposed to escape from. The night had been terrible, well it was going rather smoothly up until around the train wreck then it went to hell. As a U.B.C.S operative your job was to help protect the citizens in escaping the city. Which was your original job when you came here and was soon put to a halt once other factors played into the madness. Starting with your old friend Nicoli betraying you all for money on the virus once he would make his escape from the city. The selfish bastard put you all through hell in order to make it this far and you weren't about to let him make his get away. Jill was back there fighting off the remains of that monster that was after her since the beginning. Carlos was also back there in the lab assisting her in her fight so it was all up to you unfortunately. But all you could think was this was your job, they were busy so you would cut the slack and take one for the team. Rushing to get to the elevator that would bring you to the top of the building exactly like he did. 

The sound of your boots hit the metal flooring as you pressed the button to send the elevator back down. Your gun in your hand, prepared for what was about to happen up top like this was what your job was supposed to originally be. With each step anger grew within you as you skipped stairs in order to make it to the top faster than you would have. There he was that traitorous bastard, nimbly making his way over to the helicopter waiting for him on the helipad. Your fist clenched in anger as you raced forward, your arms clamped on to his shoulders as you pulled him away from the helicopter with all of your weight. He gasped, almost as if he didn't expect your arrival or the fact that the end of your pistol smacked him in the face at full speed. His head jerked to the side, a chuckle escaped his lips as he brought his thumb up and wiped away some blood that poured from his cut lip.

"Well well...look who it is? Sending out the underdog to clean up the mess while they fight downstairs. Pathetic" He shouted as he threw a punch at you, your forearm was brought up. Taking the blow as you blocked his hit that came toward you. Yet what you didn't prepare for was the back of his hand coming into contact with your face. A gasp escaped your lips once you felt your gun escape from your hands as he grabbed a hold of your wrist. Squeeze your grip to release your gun before flipping you over and on to the ground. With a loud smack your back came into contact with the wet blacktop of the helipad. Trying to regain your breath you moved on to your side, merely missing his heel that was about to smash your face into the ground without hesitation.

"You're the pathetic one Nicoli, betraying everyone just for some cash from the vaccine you prick" You replied as you moved swiftly, kicking the back of his leg to send him forward somewhat. Regaining your stance you brought your fist forward, colliding with his face once more with ease. 

"Not really, only to destroy this place into rubble my dear. It won't take long now you should know that" He replied as he regained his stance, as you brought up your knee to send another blow into his chest his hand calmly pressed down onto your skin. Pushing your leg back down which sent you off balance again. His hand came forward, gripping on to your neck as you stood there. His fingers began to squeeze on your neck, cutting off your air flow as you attempted to fight back. Scratching his face as your other hand grabbed a hold of his wrist to try and escape from him. His other hand reached up, unfazed by your attempts as his fingertips grazed your cheek and reached back into your hair. Pulling your head down and onto his knee, hearing the sound of your nose crack as your body fell to the ground. Blood seeping from your nose and on to the cold ground you laid upon. As you were about to get up once more your gaze matched with the sight of a gun pulled right in front of you. 

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