{Luis Sera x Reader} - Made as Fools

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Movie/Game : N/A


A puff of smoke escaped your lips as your fingers held the nicotine stick just merely in front of your face. Watching the ashes at the end lit up in color once you took in another breath to ease yourself. It seemed like ever since you were chosen for your research to study the Las Plagas virus everything seemed more and more nerve racking. Admittedly you aren't the smartest person when it comes to research like this. Knowing there were other people like you that could easily fit the job and probably get a lot more done. But when you were chosen to come here in order to study the virus and its weaknesses it had you couldn't just say no to the plan. Knowing your knowledge would come in handy every once in a while with your studies and time put in. Plus the rate you were getting paid wasn't too bad either. They hadn't shown that they were irritated with your progress yet was all you could say.

Being able to work with someone that made the day less horrible and made this place a little less anxiety inducing as well helped. As well as your cigarettes he got you smoking out of his bad habit of smoking around you. Which was what you were doing at this point in time, taking a small break after setting some slides under a microscope earlier on to test some theories you had in mind with the virus. Smoke escaped your lips as you stared out into space, wondering when exactly your lab partner was going to come back after he said he needed to go and take a leek a few minutes ago. 

A smile appeared on your face when you thought about him, the brunette that made your day less boring every time he spoke to you. Sharing the same workspace was something the group that hired you had in mind. Stating it was easier this way that you both could work together on the subject. At first you were shy and stuck to your small area of the room, only opening up to him once he started to poke around in your business. Being the womanizer he  said he was and proved to be true once you warmed up to him over the time span you worked together. He became a close friend of yours over the hours you spent with each other in the lab. Trusting each other with anything and everything in that time. Learning of his past with Umbrella and his whereabouts over drinks as your research was coming to an end. 

As you turned, taking in another inhale of smoke you heard the door open quite frantically. As you glanced over your shoulder you watched as your partner quickly entered the room and shut the door behind himself. His hands pressed against the metal as he just stood there for a second, taking in a breath as his shoulders slumped from how tense they were. The cigarette laid on your bottom lip, reaching for it with your middle and pointer finger you let out another breath you had held in while watching him.

"Is there something wrong Luis?" You asked suddenly as you kept your stance, watching as he stood up straighter than before. Running his fingers through his wavy dark hair as he turned on his heel. His face told you all, how stressed he seemed with his body language. He hasn't been this anxious since messing up some data a while back that would have caused him a week's worth of research. He seemed to take quick steps toward you as you stood against the counter top. Your hand outstretched as you silently offered your relaxation method to him without hesitation. Turning the cigarette in your fingers you watched as he bent his head down, taking the nicotine stick from you as he breathed in a puff of smoke. The ashes lit up at the end as he kept the smoke in his throat, tapping the ashes off in the tray beside you before blowing the air out.

"I've got bad news Senorita" His voice was smooth as he leaned against the counter with you. Your eyes wandered him as he stood there, seeming to fidget with his lab coat before taking it off entirely. Sitting it down next to him without a care if it was folded or not. He took in another drag, the cigarette was already half gone from both of you using it for some time.

"Have you ever wondered what our research is used for my dear?" He suddenly asked as if it were a trick question. Surprising you since you thought he would tell you what had been bothering him straight off the bat.

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