{Ethan Winters x Reader} - Grin and Bare It

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 7 / N/A


Picking up the pieces of someone's life was something you never really put much thought into. Being a good friend always came with making sure you were there for the people you loved and respected, the ones you wanted in your life and would do anything to keep them in your life for that matter. Now the phrase "to do anything for" had a wide variety of categories that went under it. To spend time with them when they need you. To give them a shoulder to cry on or to care for them when they needed someone to. But risking your life for them was a far stretch, especially when the motivation is for someone that magically reappears after being missing for years.

Never in a million years did you think you would follow your best friend out into the middle of nowhere in swampland central to find someone that disappeared with no trace. No call, no email, no text, nothing just gone off the face of the earth. This person was his wife Mia, Mia was someone you weren't necessarily close friends with. Sure you were at their wedding as one of the bridesmaids. But it was only because Ethan wanted you to be, it wasn't really her first pick having you up there let's just say. Your relationship with the dirty blonde man was strong as it grew over the years. He was the only person in your life you trusted almost anything with and you would like to think that he thought the same. It wasn't like his new wife took him away from you. Although he did have little time for you now that he was married you still got to hang out with him when he got the free time to. The only time you really looked forward to having with someone since he was gone all the time. 

Being away from him for so long was something you really didn't like. There were other people in your life you could rely on and spend time with, yes. It wasn't like you were dead set on just being around him and no one else. No the real reason why you didn't like being away from him was the fact that you missed him more than you should. It was something you would never admit to anyone, knowing it would probably be spread and make its way back to him. But you had feelings for Ethan even before he was married and the fact that he was with someone solidified those feelings no matter what you did to stop them. 

The phrase "you never really know what you had 'til it 's gone" comes to mind when you think about it. Realizing your feelings for him were starting to form right before he had met her and only got worse when you realized he was spoken for. Never did you act on your feelings though, not wanting to ruin his relationship with his girlfriend and now wife. They were something you pushed down and tried your best to swallow, enjoying the fact that you could spend time with him regardless without saying anything to his face about how you truly felt. Absolutely certain that if you did you would never be able to see him again and he wouldn't want to be around you either.

But on that day a while back Ethan got an email from his wife telling him to not find her and to stay away, he came to you right after receiving the message. A sobbing mess after realizing it wasn't just some joke, that she wasn't coming back from her job. You would never forget that day he showed up at your door, looking like a total train wreck as tears slid down his face. Hearing every word leave his lips about what had happened, what he thought happened and what would happen in the future. All of his insecurities, his doubts and fears everything that left his lips you listened as you hugged him tight. Giving him some type of light in his situation he was stuck in at the moment. 

Yet you couldn't give him any answers once he was done and had calmed down. You couldn't tell him what you thought because the first thing that came to mind was she had run off and wouldn't be coming back for him. In an instance that she was hiding something from him this whole time, but you couldn't place your finger on what quite yet. Instead you cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead lightly, telling him you weren't sure how things were going to play out but you were there for him regardless of what was going to happen like always. That you were always going to be there for him when he needed you and you stuck to those words.

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