{Ethan Winters x 5th Lord Reader} - Deal

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Movie/Game : Resident Evil 8

You are the 5th lord of the land of the village, the youngest out of the four and some could say the most human in your looks and ways. Life here wasn't hard, you were tested on just like the rest of your makeshift family. Scarred by Mother Miranda's work and so called gifted by her tests with a power most would want. Teleportation was what you were gifted by her and her reasoning of not choosing you to be a perfect match for her daughter was the fact that you were a little bit unstable mentally. Playing tricks and games on the common folk as if nothing mattered.

For being one of the lords you actually valued life and had human emotions but you just always argued sometimes life needed a little bit of excitement. That the people needed a challenge and some fun every once in a while even thought they argued that they didn't in return. Regardless you played your games and stuck to your area out in the woods. Your place wasn't huge nor was it small. A simple castle-like complex you requested for your medieval look and traps that were well everywhere in the house. Secret doors, shelves that entered into different rooms, trap doors that led to the basement. One wrong step and one could be done for instantly.

This was where you waited currently, sitting in the main room on a chair near the fire place. Your hands twirled a small knife in your hand you used to cut an apple as you watched the flame. Waiting for your guest to finally stop by after visiting your other three siblings earlier on in the day. You knew what he was after, killing off the other lords for the same thing. The flasks to save his poor daughter Rose. The waist flask was given to you before he had made his journey here. Being told to protect it until the ceremony which you agreed to do as soon as it was asked of you. You were the villain, supposed to do everything in your power to stop the mere mortal from collecting the fragments of his daughter. Of course you said you would do it, you had to agree to your mother's wishes otherwise there would be consequences. But who said you had to wait for him to just stop by. It was against the rules one could say but they had to of known by now that breaking rules was a common thing for you to do.

You didn't have plans to use him like your brother did no. In all honesty it started out as you toying with him after you watched him stare at you all in fear before your brother set him loose to hunt down. Stopping by when he would visit the Duke. Giving him hints as to where your sisters masks resided in the castle in order for him to continue his search. Laughing at his insults towards you, how he swore he was going to kill all of you by the time he was done here. Even going as far as to shoot you just to realize you would disappear into a different area. The act was cute, seeing him so frightened yet put up this persona that he could destroy you all.

He was cute to you as well you would admit since you never took notice in the townspeople. The outsiders were what got your attention and he definitely got yours. The way he looked, acted and spoke. How determined his act was to save his poor daughter, the story honestly was touching to you though you could never admit it. By the time he was done with the castle was when you realized that you weren't just there to play with him like a toy though. You realized you actually liked watching him on his adventure as a spectator. Teleporting to check in on his progress or to clear an enemy from his path about to hurt him. Knowing you shouldn't interfere but there was just something pushing you to. Not even trying to hide the fact that you were there to observe him at that point in time. He asked why you were following him, you said you didn't know and you didn't have an answer. He asked if this was all just a game to you? You said in a way but now it seemed different. Because it was different, he made it different and you couldn't change your mind about it since the thought of him stuck in your head always.

This was all just supposed to be a game, test his strength and his will, play with him and his emotions so he would give up already. The fact he was killing off your "family" was supposed to anger you. Yet the more you observed him the more you understood him. You didn't see him as a mere toy, but a human being with a life he fought for. Speaking to him on where to go, dropping off ammo and healing items on "accident". He took what you said into consideration and even in a weird way trusted you since you gained nothing from helping him. On his way out of the swamp you even told him he reminded you of someone you cared about dearly, maybe that was why you were helping. You didn't understand yourself though so when he asked who you just disappeared without a trace. Back in your home as you waited for his company since you were next in line on his hit list.

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