☆57. Money, Murder Or Melody☆

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Jihyun ran inside his family's mansion, sobbing hard until he bumped into his older brother Jongyul at their garden bridge over the pond.

"What's wrong with you?" Jongyul tsked until he noticed Jihyun's face all filled with tears and the latter just hugged his brother close, making Jongyul to be concern at the situation once Jihyun began crying hard and was too stressed out to think of what lie he should tell his brother, that he passed out right then and there. Making Jongyul to grab him abruptly before he could hit the ground. "Jihyun?! Jihyun! What happened?!" Jongyul patted Jihyun's face but he happened to be completely unconscious.

"Mom?! Dad?!" Jongyul yelled towards the mansion while grabbing Jihyun firmly.


Jimin was just walking ahead in the Wacko, looking so done as he stepped up on the club's staircase until the guard on the entrance paused his way. "What now?"

"Boss had ordered to bring you in to him whenever you show up" The man mentioned and Jimin just gulped, looking around as the guard lead him the way to the manager's room.

The door of the room got opened for Jimin by the guard and the room got silent, there were five men in the office room in total, all dressed in black suits while the only white suit was worn by that man on manager's chair, who wasn't Jimin's manager-nim, he was hald bald, rather pale, not that skinny but a little overweight and Jimin just looked at him. He was the 'Boss Kosan'.

He didn't even look at his manager filling up wine on couches with a man while Mike was stuffed on a wheelchair beside them. Jimin avoided eye contact with Mike's only eye that was displayed and glaring at Jimin while his whole face was wrapped in bandages along with his one leg.

"Who is this?" The man in white suit asked while pointing Jimin out.

"Boss, he is the Jimin you were dying to see" Manager announced while looking towards Kosan.

"Oh really?!" Kosan smiled while standing up from his seat abruptly as he chose to walk up to Jimin instead of calling him closer. "For real, let me look at you, he is all grown up in a few years" He happily mentioned while grabbing Jimin's face with both of his hands fondly. "I was really dying to see you" Kosan added as he fixed Jimin's hair with a smile until his expressions changed and he slapped Jimin hard across his face.

Jimin whimpered while covering his cheek as he fell down on the floor harshly. "Where is my Hoseok?! Didn't I tell you to take care of him?! You both were like glue and now, you are here and he isn't! I want my sunshine back! What were you doing when he disappeared?!"

"It isn't his fault" Manager stated casually while lighting up his cigarette. "But paying a zero won to club since two years is" Manager snickered and Jimin just slowly stood up from the floor while rolling his eyes.

"He is lying, I did pay but he won't count it since I saw his men beating Mike till death just because of a merry jealousy, Mike was about to be the new manager" Jimin stated and Kosan looked at him with a frown.

"What the fuck?! This bitch is lying?! I'm going to break your bones!" Manager stood up to reach Jimin to hit him but didn't soon when he stumbled on the 'unbroken' leg of Mike who stowed it on purpose. Mike's purpose was to protect Jimin but Kosan took it as a 'yes' to all of Jimin's lies.

"Just like you did break Mike's?" Jimin scoffed while crossing his arms over his chest. Swiftly, protecting Jungkook off the sin.

"You cunning liar! I didn't do anything! He is lying! I didn't hit Mike! Why would I?! Tell him!" Manager looked at Mike who was unable to speak so, he just looked at him.

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