☆74. Rich People Can Be Scary☆

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A/N: Hey, Sweethearts, sorry, my mental health wasn't okay so, I was kind of off from everything. It's not a double update, 😔 though I tried but couldn't write much these three weeks because of the sudden change in my lifestyle at the moment.

So... I should stop babbling and let you guys,



"Grandpa Woo gave his favorite gold watch to Jungkook's newborn" One of Jungkook's uncle mentioned, being in the huge living room of the Jeons' mansion.

"What?! That watch was his favorite enough to not let anyone of us even hold it for a second" One of his aunt stated, looking perplexed.

"Have you seen how the child's facial features are?" Another woman mentioned.

"Yeah, I did. Grandfather Woo seemed to be blended off by his new great grand-daughter's beauty"

"It will be hard to keep paparazzi away once she will grow up"

"She will be a huge profit to the family, no famous man would refuse to marry her"

"Unless Jungkook hyung break his legs and eat his heart out like a crazy gargoyle that he is" One of Jungkook's cousin broke in with an unamused face.

"Only father Woo can decide marriages" His aunt emphasized with a smirk.

"As if he didn't just accept Jungkook's affair"

Jungkook's mother was walking down the staircase to a hallway and happened to eavesdropped the talk accidentally.

"That child is almost 1 or 2 years old already. How long he must be cheating on Mi-Sun?"

"The word cheating sounds so awful itself already. How could a son being born and raised in our household can do something like this?"

Jungkook's mother sighed as she looked down, looking a lot defeated on their conversation.

"It's all that blonde boy's fault. He must have lured him for money and would definitely had offered himself, we still don't know from what sort of the family he belongs"

"Atleast, Grandfather Woo would have asked about his family and background..."

They all were all fussing and Jungkook's mother decided to simply walk away until...

"Don't be so curious, everyone" Jiwoon broke in as he dragged his plastered broken leg upto the scene with the help of the crutches. "I knew everything since the beginning. I even found a letter for Jungkook hyung where that blonde boy confessed about having his child and on top of that, this boy isn't from any elite or royal family like us, that blonde boy is from the famous prostitution zone from the next street" He announced and everyone in the room gasped, including Jungkook's mother.

"What?!" Everyone was shocked and it clearly widened the eyes of Jungkook's mother who clutched onto her heart from the fabric of her casual looking dress.

"I even told uncle Jong-Soo about how Jungkook had been in this hooker's spell and even did him pregnant but he threatened me to remain silent" Jiwoon further spilled out.

"My brother can never do that even if it's his own son" Joon-ki (Jihyun's dad) mentioned.

"He did it" Jiwoon explained and Jungkook's mother just looked down.

"Like father, like son" She mumbled to herself while looking down with a frown.

"I am not lying. He let Jungkook hyung go to that slut every night and even protected the baby with his men watching around the slut's house"

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