☆62. All The Mess And The Tiny Warrior☆

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A/N: Mention of disturbing words. ⚠️


Jungkook walked out of his family mansion's door to saw Jihyun leaning onto the door while panting hard as if he had ran all the way up to the mansion from the company.

"Hyung...?" Jihyun stated but Jungkook walked passed him, making Jihyun to run inside the hallway towards the dining area where the family was peacefully eating and Jiwoon's father was managing to pick Jiwoon up from the bloodied floor. Before anyone could notice Jihyun he abruptly ran back to Jungkook who was now reaching his car in the driveway of the mansion.

Though, it was casual for the family to watch Jungkook beating his cousins to death but the leg fracture was considered as a result of him stealing the company's design. Nobody has to explain that to the family, they all knew that Jungkook was waiting for an evidence to get to Jiwoon for that. Nobody knew it was for what he had tried to do with Jimin.

"Are you happy? He will kill me now when he will be better... I told you to relax but..." Jihyun was complaining until Jungkook aggressively turned to glower at him instead of opening his car's door.

"Don't make me beat you on the things you have done" Jungkook menaced.

"And what about Jaemin, you didn't seem to even threatened him" Jihyun complained.

"He is a child"

"I was a child too when you used to run after me with your stick to beat me" Jihyun argued.

"But I never did. That was necessary to develop the fear in you"


"Not now, Jihyun. I'm not in a mood. If you wouldn't be carrying a baby in you, your condition would be worse then him" Jungkook scolded.

"As if you really care about babies. While, your baby is living in that swamp, I don't know why you have let her live there in that cottage and didn't buy a proper home for them. Jimin used to hide her from everyone around him since Wacko people can take her to prostitution, Jiwoon got to know about her in Jimin's letter to you. He had written that he didn't tell you about his daughter so, Jiwoon got the idea but I don't know how he was able to hide your daughter from you since two years and told you about her in a letter? Jihyun frustratedly stated and Jungkook just looked away.

"Also, I don't know why you don't do anything about her eyes. Jimin had got beaten for the money he had been trying to save for about two years now to operate her eyes... " Jihyun added.

"Her eyes?" Jungkook frowned at the mention.

"Wait... You... don't know that she was... born blind?" Jihyun confusedly asked and Jungkook just existed. "Jimin had been in debts because of the eye operation because the age above two years is a serious condition for born blind people, leading to not be treated at all. You know about it as I was born blind. What were you doing all of this time? Your child and boyfriend is suffering..."

Jihyun was saying but Jungkook just got into his car and slammed the door shut, leaving Jihyun out and Jihyun sighed, waiting for Jungkook to start the car and leave but the latter just started the engine and instead of driving off, he was just staring at the steering wheel at front expressionlessly, his hair messy, his attire messy, his life messy and even the emotions he was getting were messy. Jihyun just looked down and away while standing still out of the car.

Jungkook just clutched onto his own ruined hair and buried his head on the steering wheel at front and just cry.

Firstly, it was because of anger and frustration over Jiwoon's plan, over his stupid choices to not listen to Jimin first and then he was crying out of hurt. Recalling all the memories of how Jimin met him, that innocent love Jimin had for him. The way he always use to ask for leftover food for Melody who was actually a little baby he was trying to feed all of that time. A baby who can't even see and Jimin had been struggling for that. How irresponsible he was to not find the other part of the letter Jimin had written for him. Why? Why Jimin didn't let him know about his baby he could have protected her better with Jimin? He could have protected them better. The teary eyes Jimin had the last time Jungkook saw him. The words he told Jimin the last time they talked. All of his emotions, he let his heart cry them out as he hit whatever surface of the car he had at front with his fist.

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