☆83. Can't He Lose The Bet First?☆

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"Jihyun, talk to me" Taehyung stated while walking after Jihyun being in a white dress shirt under black vest, with matching black pants.

Waking after Jihyun who just walked out of the elevator on Taehyung's office floor in Luna Jeon, having his power walk ahead without listening to Taehyung until Taehyung grabbed him by his arm. The company was almost empty with a few stall gradually leaving since the huge windows of the building was reflecting twilight after the sunset.

"Let go of me, Tae" Jihyun sighed out as Taehyung dragged him in a silent corner of the corridor.

"I won't. You haven't said a word about it since last night. Ask me anything but just don't give me this silent treatment" Taehyung complained.

"Fine, I really want to know whom I have been sleeping with, Taehyung. Why the mayor of this city would have issues with you?" Jihyun demanded an answer with crossed arms.

"I should be the one asking that from you, sweetie. He wasn't after me. I have been thinking it through but as far as I remember, I have nothing to do with him. I did many fucking things but I didn't fuck around Mayor Park whole of my life. I have a feeling that he was after you" Taehyung tried to explain.

"What?! Me?" Jihyun uttured in disbelief while pointing his own chest out.

"Yeah, exactly. I know a tender jewel like you can't do anything to be found harmful to him. I just don't get it. But then I remembered Jungkook once told me the weird hatred of his family with the Mayor Park and his wife. Maybe he recognized you as a Jeon" Taehyung sounded as if he was wondering to himself and Jihyun also began thinking silently.

"So... you mean he wanted to hurt me?" Jihyun concluded after a moment of silence with a hurtful face in a low voice. "But I didn't do anything bad to anybody" Jihyun's eyes began to fill with tears as he looked away.

"No, no, listen to me" Taehyung emphasized while grabbing Jihyun's face gently with both of his hands. "My moon doesn't have to cry. Nobody can hurt my angel. I also have this feeling that he sent his people to kidnap us. I don't know what's going on" Taehyung stated while caressing Jihyun's cheek with his thumb softly.

"Should we tell it to Jungkook hyung?"

"No. He will doubt me but seriously I didn't do anything to Mayor Park ever" Taehyung noted.

"Why he would doubt you?" Jihyun asked.

"Because he is the crazy gargoyle. He doesn't get a simple straight thing into his pea sized brain. Maybe we were just thinking about it too much. Maybe, he was after somebody else that was beside us" Taehyung decided to soothe the conversation as if he was trying to cradle a baby.

"But there wasn't anyone else"

"You know what, baby? We are actually thinking it wrong. Maybe it's nothing like that and they weren't following anyone, they must be going somewhere with the same road route as us" Taehyung tried to cheer Jihyun up.

"Maybe" Jihyun mumbled.

"Yes, that's what it was all about. Forget about it" Taehyung told him while pulling Jihyun in a hug. "Forget about it" Taehyung whispered while caressing Jihyun's hair but had a serious frown on as he pecked Jihyun's head.

"I have to go and make a call, okay, sweetie? Don't do any work, it's Saturday already, we are ahead of schedules and nobody from your family will be here since they will be at Jungkook's reception party. You sure, you don't want to be at the party?" Taehyung asked Jihyun who shook his head in denial.

"I just want to be in your arms tonight" Jihyun replied while looking up at Taehyung.

"Okay, let me go and wind everything up in the office and then we will go home, watch a movie together or..." Taehyung announced as he let go of Jihyun.

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