☆60. The Familiar Photo☆

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"It will be okay, Jimin-ah"

The old woman sobbed while trying to reach the baby's eyes to cover them but couldn't when the man shot her head and a loud sound of the shotgun ended up creating a harsh splash of blood, scattered over the backseats' window. A broken wrist watch was lying on the seat which was ticking 9:45 and the seat black leather cover had the printed letters embossed like of a sign 'LJ'

"Do I have to finish the baby as well?" The man questioned on the call and with a nod ended it while shoving the phone into his pocket.

"Oh, you are so small, you little poor thing. I don't want to do it but..." The man sighed while pointing the gun at Jimin and before Jimin could react, a woman wearing a short black leather skirt and purple cropped top hit the gun by her huge black bag. Everything was blur infront of Jimin's eyes.

"You wench!" The man yelled but that woman hit his head with her bag, making the man to shot the air up in the sky.

The woman hit the bag on his head again and again until the man fell down, giving an opportunity to her to grab baby off the baby seat but the seatbelt was all tangled so, she picked up the whole babyseat, the man tried to grab Jimin but only could grasp Jimin's yellow baby sock, as the woman began running away.

Jimin could feel that woman's racing heartbeat when she had hugged the babyseat close to her, running in an alleyway. He heard that man's yell after them but until the police sirens engulfed the whole place.

The man aimed his gun on that woman but couldn't shoot her once he felt the police cars rushing closer. He tsked as he chose to run towards the forest with Jimin's sock unintentionally still in his hand while the woman hid behind a wall and crouched down.

"You don't seem to cry like other babies" That woman panted while looking at Jimin who was voicelessly watching her. "Why would someone want to kill an innocent angel like you?" She whispered while holding Jimin's small baby fist clutched close.

"Mom! Mom! No! What happened to her?! Jihyun!? Where is Jimin?!" They heard a woman's cry with the police sirens near the crime scene. "Jimin?!! Where is my baby! Jimin!!?"

"She is probably your mom, Jimin" The lady talked to Jimin once she realized his name. "Let's go, let's go back to your mother" She added while standing up but as she bended down to pick Jimin's babyseat she was hit by a metal rod on her head and fell down on the ground.

Holding her head and looking up to find that same man from earlier pointing his shotgun at her. "I would have killed you for this if I wouldn't have liked you this much" That man whispered while bending down to her and his phone began ringing.

"No. I couldn't kill the baby but I have him now," That man talked on the phone while picking up Jimin's babyseat. "What do you mean there were two babies?!... fuck!" The man cursed while shoving his phone in his pocket. "Sorry, small baby, there is a little change in plan. Boss wants you alive" the man snickered while rolling his eyes.

"I can't believe I really forgot that you are just a slut. Obviously, a guy who can sleep with men for money can definitely do anything for money" Jungkook scoffed being in his office and Jimin just looked at him with his teary eyes.

"Slut. Slut. Slut." The word echoed in Jimin's ears as he suddenly woke up with a hitched breath to frown at the bright light of the hospital ceiling, he hovered his hand on his face to shade his eyes but hissed. His back of hand was covered with tapped canola.

"Where is my chain?" Jimin mumbled soon when he patted his neck to realize the loss of chain he was feeling on his neck was real. He wasn't wearing his chain anymore.

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