☆87. You Bloody Smuggler!☆

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Depiction of Mature Content ☢

Mature Content may include; 🤷🏻‍♀️

▪︎ Blood🩸🤍
▪︎ Handjobs 🍼🍭
▪︎ Gore 💔💥
▪︎ Murder 💀🪓
▪︎ Sex 🥂🦋
▪︎ Offensive words 🥀🕷
▪︎ Death 🪦👻
▪︎ 69 🌈😏
▪︎ E.T.C. 🖤🪧


"Rock, paper, scissors!" Jimin and Jungkook synced enthusiastically, doing the hand signs against each other. In that semi-dark yellow lighted bedroom of the cruise's basement, still stuck in the cold, both of them lying in bed on their stomachs.

Jungkook in a black 'tanktop' over his black dress pants, revealing his toned biceps while Jimin had a piled up layers of clothes on. Jimin had his white dress shirt under Jungkook's black one and then his white long coat that was also covered by Jungkook's black double-breasted suit's jacket.

"I won" Jungkook announced upon making scissors with his fingers against Jimin's paper hand. "Again" Jungkook added with a smirk. "Come here" Jungkook demanded while gesturing Jimin to come near with his hand like a boss and Jimin uttured a mad sigh with a pout while leaning his face closer.

Jungkook grabbed Jimin's chin and viciously collapsed his lips on Jimin's, kissing his lips with all of his tongue.

"Enough" Jimin complained sassily while pulling away, covering his shocking pink lips those were looking quite abused and swollen.

"I haven't won once" Jimin complained while checking his white phone placed on the bed, the signals of the network were all green from red but... "The network isn't available still" Jimin added a lie.

"You are such a chick loser, vermilion pulchritude or your mind is busy somewhere else" Jungkook noted and sipped from the old looking bottle of beer. Raising his fist again to resume playing and Jimin's eyes widened as Jungkook raised the bottle of beer to his mouth by his other hand, eyeing Jungkook's naked bulky biceps as the latter's had his elbows on the bed being on his stomach. His veiny fist raised to Jimin and his other hand gripping on the bottle strongly. Indeed, Jimin's mind was kind of busy.

"Fuck..." Jimin mumbled to himself with a sigh, inaudible.

"What?" Jungkook asked.

"I want to drink" Jimin abruptly shifted his gaze up from Jungkook's biceps.

"You can't"

"You are so mean. I am so scared in this place, because of the broken doorknob the door can only be open by outside but no one has found us till now, we couldn't fix the heater either even when you kicked it twelve times. All you can do is to be rude to me" Jimin began complaining.

"Wait, when was I rude?" Jungkook demanded.

"Look..." Jimin emphasized while grabbing Jungkook's hand and placing it under his collar on the skin of his chest. "Look, how fast my heart is beating" Jimin whisperedly mentioned while caressing Jungkook's whole hand up to his forearm. Fake Panting dramatically.

"I was not being rude. Alcohol isn't good for you right now, sweetheart" Jungkook politely repeated, even twice gentle.

"Okay" Jimin shyly grinned. Abruptly.

"Let me check the network" Jungkook announced while trying to grab Jimin's phone but the latter dragged the device away.

"I just checked. It's not working. Let's save the battery for the call" Jimin told him, abruptly raising his fist for rock, paper, scissors.

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