☆66. What Is My Name?☆

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(A/N: ⚠️ warning! Depiction of mature content ahead!)


From that day onwards, Jimin's life routine was completely foreign and he was sure his life couldn't get any better than it was. He would talk to Melody about how she would be able to see him. He would wake up to the smell of the ocean everyday, make perfect breakfast and hairstyles of his daughters and sometimes not so perfect castles on the beach with Jungkook when they would drink till passing out if they get some spare time away from each other's lips. Though, Jimin was still stuck to no sex until marriage rule.

As the week was about to end soon, Jimin was a little worried and happy about Melody's surgery, though he couldn't refuse Jae-Hwa to shop for his wedding attire. They would drag Jungkook to every single outlet and Jimin would try everything Jae-Hwa like on him but still nothing was good enough. So, they would end up dancing on the music echoing in the stores until Jungkook yank them out.

While in Seoul, The Wacko was a complete disaster with Kosan's rage, leaving him totally clueless on where Jimin, Jin and Hoseok disappeared with Melody.

Mrs. Park couldn't help but to come up with new reasons to find Jimin in the hotel's footages. Saying that she need to see the faces of people trying to kill them, separately from the police. The hotel's staff was too concern to help her, assuring her it was their fault, not knowing she wasn't trying to look at those shooters trying to kill her husband in the videos but a blonde guy. Spending days to catch a single glimpse of Jimin on the CCTV.

Mr. Park actually found out that it was Jungkook there at that night but he couldn't get a hold on any evidence against Jungkook. He just couldn't file a lawsuit against everyone who was there that night, so he decided to wait for the right time.

Well, Jungkook's father was in a little weird situation. He knew where Jungkook was but things were getting out of his hands since Mi-Sun visited their family house and happily announced that she was pregnant with Jungkook's second child. Everyone was so happy but Mr. Jeon knew she wasn't Jungkook's wife anymore and the pregnancy could be suspicious too, though, he was tensed to think what if it was really Jungkook's child so, he hopes to hide the news from Jimin and wait for Jungkook to be back.

Things were getting worse for Jihyun as Jiwoon just got discharged from the hospital and Jungkook wasn't there to protect Jihyun from Jiwoon's glares he was meeting everyday. He wanted to run away and never be back but whenever he tried to push the doorbell of Taehyung's house he just couldn't and went back to his family's house instead every night.

Well, it happened to be a different night for Jihyun.

A guard keeper opened the door of Jeon's family mansion when the doorbell rang. "Good evening, Mr. Kim, were you called to be here?" The guard asked Taehyung who had a bouquet of purple roses and was dressed in a black suit with his black hair parted from the middle. A sexy romantic sight instead of just a man, indeed.

As nobody is allowed inside the mansion unless it is a Jeon, the guard had to ask if he was invited by someone from the family but Taehyung chose to not pass any sort of reply or expressions as he walked passed the guard.

"Mr. Kim...?" The guard called but then just let it be once Taehyung had already walked inside the driveway and happened to be at front of Jongyul (Jihyun's not so real older brother).

"Good evening, Mr. Kim" Jongyul nodded a slight bow.

"Hey" Was all Taehyung replied while looking around towards the inside of the mansion, trying to peek in as if he was looking for something.

"You must be here for Jiwoon but he decided to go with the family to a friend's wedding, on a wheelchair. All the men are also gone with their wives too" Jongyul guessed, looking at the bouquet.

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