☆59. Your Man Is Now Sleeping With Me☆

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Jimin woke up because of the sunlight scattering through the curtains of the bedroom.

Jimin rubbed his eyes while quickly sitting up, he was wearing Jungkook's dress shirt instead with a few buttons close but the bed's surface beside Jimin was cold. As if nobody was sleeping beside him for hours. Clearly, Jungkook was gone.

Jimin sighed while hugging himself. A ball of money wrapped under a band got Jimin's attention. "As promised" Jimin read an attached note on the money. Along, there was a paper breakfast bag filled with food.

Jimin's stomach growled as he sniffed the delicious fresh omelet'ish smell coming from the paper bag.

"I should have accepted the lies and said sorry to him" Jimin mumbled while hugging close the dress shirt over him, it was smelling just like Jungkook. Rich and Sexy.

He spent thirty minutes with his dreamy temptations over Jungkook and his cologne and then realized he should reach home soon as Jin had to go to his work as well on time. Jimin wore his shoes and then his shirt after taking off Jungkook's but did wear it again over as a jacket. In a mood to steal it, of course.

He grabbed the food bag as Melody and he would split it since the baby would be awake by now. Jimin was happy at least, Melody would have a great breakfast at a day he thought she would not.

Jimin grabbed his coat from the floor and straight went to the door but when he twisted the doorknob it seemed to be locked.

Jimin just frowned while twisting it again, applying force, applying his whole strength but it didn't budge. Jimin didn't want to admit what he was thinking but the door was clearly locked from the outside.

He began hitting the door with various objects or by his ownself. Nothing worked as if he was a bird being caged and Jimin knew this trap was on purpose. He knew who did that.


Jungkook was checking through some files at his office desk, wearing a navy blue suit. His phone began vibrating on the glass table and Jungkook looked down at it to realize it was Jimin's flip phone number. Jungkook sighed while picking up the call and leading the phone to his ear.

"I'm busy" Jungkook mentioned.

"What is this bullshit? I'm locked in your hotel room and I can bet there is someone outside the door, I can see his shoes throw the door's below! You did send that guy to keep eyes on me when I'm locked here?!"

"Calm down..."

"What is your problem? You think you can do anything and everything you want? I want to go back home! You are rich, it doesn't mean you can do anything! I'm not a pet you could cage!"


Jungkook mentioned in a rather dominant voice.

"I'm a human too! I have feelings too! I have a life! I was not born for your nights to be caged here! This is why you left early!? You have to let me go or else..."

Jimin was threatening while still pulling the doorknob and suddenly it smoothly got open by Jimin, making Jimin to stumble backwards. A little piece of card flew down from the lock which probably was stuck in it. Making the doorknob to move casually now.

Jimin just froze with wide eyes as he was confronted with the man whose shoes could be seen by Jimin and was outside his room. Well, it was an ordinary room service employee holding a breakfast tray for a room that was infront of Jimin's room. The guy walked into the designated room with his food tray while giving Jimin a weird look on his face.

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